Jack’s backpack pulled at him. His legs ached. The trail seemed to weave onward without any hint of ending, a never-ending trudge through mud and brush.
The job had been sold as something simple, fun even. Go into the woods for three days, camping out under the stars, and retrieve an artefact named the Wand of Domination. Supposedly powerful and ancient and important. The legends said it could force a person into submission to another. Obviously, that was utter rubbish, and it was likely only important to some rich fool.
Day one in, day two get to the temple, day three back to civilisation. That was the plan.
Plans change. On day four the temple was nowhere to be found, nowhere near the coordinates he was given. Instead, he’d found a village where the locals mostly cowered in fear at what he was seeking, local legend of course, nonsense conjured by simpletons. One of them though, pointed him in the right direction.
That was two days earlier. He was glad the job paid well because he had exhausted his supplies and would need a big meal and a warm bed when he returned. And a bonus. A fat one. First though, he needed a rest. A rock poked out from the trees to the right of the trail, perfect for a quick sit. Jack planted himself on it and set his pack down, pulling out a piece of bread that was going hard. It still tasted good enough.
Munching loudly, he didn’t notice the footsteps coming up the trail, following his path, until someone was basically standing over him. He looked up into the bespectacled eyes of a woman with long golden hair and rosy cheeks. Her chest was large and her hips wide. She was short, but seated as he was, she still towered above him, wearing a pair of brown trousers and a loose-fitting linen shirt.
“Jack O’Neil?” she inquired.
Jack nodded and stuffed the rest of the bread into his mouth, chewing loudly.
“Mr. Mulvaney sent me to find you, he was worried.”
“About me,” Jack smirked, swallowing his food, “I’m touched.”
“About his investment,” the woman replied. “I’m here to make sure you finish the job.”
“What does it look like I’m doing? I don’t need your help.” Jack snapped.
“It looks like you’re out here wandering in circles and getting dehydrated,” she replied, pulling a flask from her backpack, “let me take care of you.”
Jack took the flask and swigged it back. The cool water was refreshing, delicious. He stood and pressed the flask to her chest. “Thanks sweetheart, but I’ve got it from here. Got some directions from the locals.”
Tightening his backpack, he began to walk down the trail again. The woman followed, jogging along behind him. She was no more than five feet tall, if even, tiny behind the six-foot-two Jack.
“Will you slow down,” she called. “I have a map.”
Jack ignored her and continued forward, confident the locals would know more than her map, considering it came from the same source as his own directions. Their employer. He could hear her struggling to keep up, her own pack rattling with the sound of camping supplies.
Jack stopped.
“You are going to slow me down, woman.”
She was breathing heavily. “I am coming with you, like it or not. Now look, do you see the coordinates here?”
Jack ignored her and scanned the horizon.
“Mr O’Neil, can you please give me a mome-“
“Forget the map,” he interrupted, “look”.
Jack pointed to a spire of stone peering out above the canopy. A worn, but carefully worked gargoyle told him they were exactly where they needed to be. A mile, maybe less, from the temple. The woman scowled and folded her map, stuffing it in her bag. Jack smirked.
“What’s your name, toots?” he asked as they marched into the thickening forest, light fading as the canopy became thicker.
“Mimi,” she replied. “Not… toots.”
Jack laughed and Mimi growled a curse under her breath. She didn’t push for more conversation. Easier to walk in silence.
The faintest of trails coursed through the trees, tall ones with thick trunks of deep grey bark. Their gnarled roots twisted around each other’s, as if the trees were reaching out for connection. The closer to the temple they got, the more those roots became entwined. It was hard to tell from which tree came which spiralling vine. The pair were plunged into near darkness by the branches above, similarly bound, twisted into each other, the trees pulling closer, even their trunks tipping in this direction or that, ancient wood seeking companionship in the depths of the forest.
The temple grew out from the ground as an unnatural interloper in a forest of thickly packed nature. Its entrance was a stone-hewn set of columns, either side of a dark passageway. Jack drifted his arm outward, palm open.
“Ladies first.”
Mimi walked inside and pulled a torch from a sconce and lit it.
“What’s the matter Jack, scared of the dark?”
He grumbled as insects scattered in the light of the flame as he stepped into the temple.
The passage was long, and the floor cracked and uneven. Mimi led, gingerly stepping forward, avoiding the small gaps where stone had crumbled away, and taking close looks at the ceiling to be sure it was still intact. Their footsteps echoed along the corridor, and a slight breeze drifted through.
Jack eyed Mimi’s movements and shook his head. He stepped on every crack and ran his hand along the stone wall, pushing randomly, testing. He watched Mimi’s foot rise into the air, and before he could tell her to stop, it came down on a raised stone.
“Don’t move, you imbecile,” he spat.
Mimi lifted her foot and turned to face him, and the floor beneath her feet instantly gave way with a hideous crack and a terrible scraping as stone toppled downward and Mimi felt her body drop, and then stop.
She looked up to see Jack’s face contorted, his muscles rippling as he held on to her hand and pulled her upward, back up toward him. With a loud groan he dragged her from the hold and fell backward, and Mimi landed on top of him, her long golden tresses spread in a silken mess across his taut chest.
“Thanks,” she muttered as she scrambled to her feet, pushing herself off the man beneath her, feeling the tension of his muscles.
Jack exhaled a long, tired breath as he stood and dusted himself off. “I’m taking the lead from here, stupid cow.”
He stepped past her, leaping over the hole she had created, and picked up her torch from where she dropped it as she fell. “Come on,” he said.
Mimi took a step back, then ran and jumped over the gap, landing with a thud. Jack was already deeper into the passage and the light of his torch was illuminating an arch, leading into a larger room.
Jack stepped in, and Mimi followed. The floor of the room was covered in sand, save for a few small stones barely three feet wide, stepping stones that led from one side to the other. One of them, right at the centre of the room, bore a symbol depicting a crudely drawn pair of people. They were holding one another.
Without a word, Jack stepped onto the first stone. There were eight in total. He moved from that onto the next and Mimi took a small jump to get to the one Jack vacated. Jack stood still for a moment, nodded, then stepped forward once more. Mimi took another little leap.
Now Jack stepped onto the stone with the symbol. He took a moment, nodded to himself, and turned to see Mimi take her small jump to the platform he had stepped from. Then the stone he stood on began to sink. The sand swirled around it, dragging it down. It rumbled and shook, and Jack steadied himself to move to the next stone but as he started his motion the stone on which he stood shook violently and dropped too far for an easy step. The next stone was now quite a distance above.
Mimi looked down at Jack, whose head was level with her waist, and down again, to the ground beneath him. Seeing the symbol, she looked around for any other clue, and finding none she took a deep breath, and jumped down onto the stone with Jack, almost knocking him off.
“What are you trying to do?” he yelled.
Mimi gripped his body, making sure to not fall off. Jack noticed the rumbling had stopped. The stone was no longer sinking.
“Oh,” he said, “good guess.”
Mimi loosened her grip, and the stone began to rumble once more. She grabbed Jack tightly, feeling his muscular chest against her face, smelling his sweat, breathing it in as she pressed her fingers into his skin.
“I don’t want this, you know.”
“It’s fine,” he replied, as the stone began to rise. “You solved the puzzle, I think. I suppose cows have their uses.”
With a low groaning, the stone rose back and clicked into its starting position. Jack and Mimi pulled apart and made their way to the other side of the room. From there a short, safe corridor led them to another large room, this one cavernous, bats fleeing as Jack held the torch above his head.
Its light illuminated a fountain at the centre of the room, and a large stone wheel at the other side, blocking the path forward.
As the pair walked toward the fountain, water began to shoot into the air, coming down in large drops that drizzled back into the fountain. A moment later, a mist started to rise from the water’s surface. A pink fog that spilled over the stone lip and began to cover the floor.
“What’s that?” asked Mimi.
Jack shook his head and glanced around the room. Mimi did the same. On the walls were friezes depicting people in various romantic and erotic positions. Four in total. One showed a couple hugging. Another showed a woman on her knees before the man. The next the man bent over and what looked like the woman spanking him. The final panel was the two kissing.
“You can’t be serious.” Jack said, looking Mimi up and down.
“I don’t care,” Mimi replied, grabbing him, “I’m not dying in here because I won’t hug a jerk.”
She wrapped her arms around him and planted her head into his chest. The hug. Jack felt her chest pressing against him, soft, warm. Her hair was so smooth and soft. The strange pink mist had a pleasant smell. Or was it Mimi’s perfume? He let his arms slide over her back and pulled her closer.
“I’m not dying because I won’t hug a cow like you,” he said.
A click sounded, and the stone frieze slid downward, vanishing into a slit in the wall.
Mimi sighed a deep sigh and feel to her knees.
“What are you doing?” Jack said.
“What the stupid art shows. Open your trousers.”
Jack shook his head. “I don’t want you anywhere near that.”
Mimi looked up at him. Her chest heaved in her linen shirt. A sliver of sweat trickled into her cleavage, and she pushed her glasses up on her nose. “For god’s sake, we could die here.”
“Fine,” he said, “fine. Stupid woman.”
Jack began to open his trousers and the panel on the wall clicked and slid away.
“Thank god,” Mimi breathed. “Now bend over.”
“What?” Jack replied.
Mimi pointed up at the panel as she stood up, stomping a foot on the ground, and folding her arms as she blew air from her mouth, sending a strand of hair flicking away from her eye.
Jack opened his mouth to speak but looked around instead. The pink mist was rising, it was up to their knees. He said nothing, and turned around, planting his hands firmly on the fountain lip and presenting his behind to Mimi. She tilted her head and looked, biting her lip. He was in rather good shape and his bottom quite nice to look at. Pity, she thought, that he was so bloody arrogant.
She enjoyed the first spank, clapping her palm hard against him and eliciting a little yelp.
“Did it have to be so hard?” he said.
“The panel hasn’t moved. I think maybe I need to do it harder.”
Jack braced himself as Mimi swung her hand and met his rear with a thunderous clap. He leapt upward in sudden pain and surprise.
A click, the panel creaking into place, and Jack stood, turned, and glowered at Mimi.
“What?” she said, “it worked didn’t it?”
“That’s not the problem,” Jack said, pointing at the last frieze.
Mimi followed his finger, but she already knew what was there. The kiss. She closed her eyes and sighed.
To her surprise, she felt a firm hand gripping her lower back, and shifting her body forward, pressing it against him. Eyes still closed, she didn’t expect his lips to meet hers, but they did, and she yielded. Her soft, pink lips parted just a little as his pressed against them, damp and warm.
Another click. Jack pulled away from Mimi, leaving her lips pursed, her body paused in motion. The fountain stopped spitting water into the air. Mimi opened her eyes to see Jack looking at her with a smirk.
“For a cow, you’re not a bad kisser,” he said.
She stepped past him toward the now open passage deeper into the temple, calling back, “let’s just get this over with.”
Jack followed and they entered a smaller room, with a plinth at its rear, on top of which was a golden wand, about eight inches tall, and slender.
“Finally,” he breathed, “I can be away from you.”
He looked at Mimi as he said it, and she glared back through gritted teeth, then rolled her eyes and made for the wand. Jack rushed after her, pushing by and reaching for it.
“It’s mine,” he called, “my job, my prize.”
“Oh no, I’m not letting the staff of domination be snatched by the biggest asshole I’ve ever met,” Mimi snapped.
She rammed herself into Jack’s side, sending him reeling to the floor, and landed on top of him. He grabbed her by the hips and tried to shove her away, but she ground her body against his, pushing herself harder upon him. He changed tactic, simply shoving at her chest, squashing his hands into her breasts carelessly. It sent her reeling backward, tearing her shirt and revealing a silky pink bra underneath, and her ample bosom. He looked for a moment, then looked at the wand, and then back at Mimi, licking his lips.
“Don’t you fucking dare,” Mimi said, eyes wide.
It was too late. Jack plucked the artefact off the plinth and held it proudly to his chest.
“If this thing works, I’ll turn you into my fucking pet.”
Jack pointed the wand at Mimi and for moment, absolutely nothing happened. He simply stood over the woman as she sat up on her elbows and stared at the end of the wand.
Then with a meek puff, a jet of green light drizzled from the thing and appeared to cover Mimi. Jack’s hand turned green, and the wand split in two.
Mimi’s expression was one of horror. Jack wore a devilish smirk. He spoke first.
“Now that I’ve used the wand I can tell you, Mimi, that I am going to obey your every command.”
Jack clapped his hand over his mouth. That was not what he planned to say. Mimi stood and ran her tongue along her lips, then caressed her decolletage.
“What a good boy you are Jack, maybe you can be… my pet?”
Jack nodded, despite not wanting that in the slightest. Mimi laughed, then pointed her finger at the floor. Jack fell to his knees.
“What the hell is going on?” Jack whimpered.
Mimi placed a finger under his chin and made him look up into her eyes, past her massive chest. “You idiot, you pointed it backwards.”
Mimi cackled as Jack felt his cheeks flush red.
“Now, since you were just such a delight to work with, maybe you can make up for the time I wasted with you,” Mimi said, opening her trousers. “You do have quite a nice body.”
She too was not acting as she planned, but felt compelled to make Jack feel weak, and to punish him for his rudeness. She didn’t mind too much, a rush of pleasure rippled through her at the thought of dominating the man, and it felt even better when he said yes.
“Yes, Queen Mimi,” she replied.
Jack parroted her words, and she patted him on the head.
“Now, put that nasty tongue to use,” Mimi ordered as she pulled down her trousers and slid her yellow cotton panties to one side.
Jack eagerly complied, utterly unable to resist.
Mimi let her head tilt back as she grabbed the back of Jack’s head and pushed him closer to her.
“That’s it,” she moaned, “good pet, you’re going to be so fun to have around now.”
Jack lapped at Mimi obediently. His mind swam with new ideas and thoughts. She was no cow, she was… some sort of Goddess. Was that what the locals warned him about?
He had no time to ponder deeply. He felt a sharp smack on his behind and moved his tongue faster, desperate to please his Queen. His owner.
Mimi groaned with pleasure and felt a surge of power, of lust. She pulled Jack’s head back from her pussy and pushed him to the ground.
“You liked when I was on top of you, didn’t you?”
Jack shook his head. “Not at the time.”
“That’s because I wasn’t sitting on your face.”
Mimi shoved Jack again, forcing him onto his back, and lowered her body onto him, her crotch directly over his mouth.
“Beg for it, pet,” she said.
“Please Queen Mimi, may I lick your pussy?”
“You don’t deserve it do you? You were so rude to me.”
“No Queen Mimi,” Jack replied, staring up at Mimi’s damp slit, “I’m so sorry, I was so rude. I’ll never do it again, I’ll be a good boy for you.”
“I know you will,” she said as she pushed herself onto his mouth and he began to lick at her once again. “I know.”
Jack greedily tongued her, moving up and down between her lips and making Mimi purr with delight. His desire increased as he pleasured her, his cock growing stiff, aching for attention. He began to hump the air involuntarily and Mimi reached back to release him from his trousers. As his cock sprang to attention, she let out an almost feral growl and shifted her weight back to his torso, planting her hands on either side of his head. Jack’s mouth was damp, glistening, and his eyes glazed over.
“You make a very good pet, Jack,” Mimi murmured as she slid her lips over his tip.
Jack groaned loudly and managed to grunt a thank you before he felt his shaft being enveloped in Mimi’s wetness. Her moans echoed around the stone room, and she pushed her tits down onto Jack’s face, burying him in her cleavage as she rode him.
“Just a sex toy really, not even a pet,” she growled, her dominance building, growing with every moment.
Beneath her, Jack’s submission was equally burgeoning, as his cock leaked into Mimi, and he felt her hand guide his to tease her clit as she fucked him. He followed her lead, taking ragged breaths from between her breasts and thrusting rhythmically into her.
“You’re gonna cum when I do, and then you’re mine Jack,” Mimi moaned.
She pulled back and stared down at Jack, her eyes wild with desire, sweat pouring from her skin. “Isn’t right?”
“Yes, my Queen,” Jack replied automatically, robotically.
He no longer knew anything but submission, surrender to the goddess who rode him faster and harder, bouncing her body against his, hearing the slapping echoing through the room as she used his cock like no one ever had before. Jack had never felt so much pleasure, never felt so weak. He wanted to orgasm, but he couldn’t. He needed her permission.
“Please,” he whined as Mimi let out shallow, breathy groans.
“Not yet, fuck me harder,” she demanded.
His body obeyed, his mind out of the picture. Jack’s hips thrusted up and down uncontrollably and his finger rubbed her clit in the smoothest of motions, he only wanted to please her, to show her what a good pet he would be. That mattered more than anything.
“Good pet, I’m almost there, suck on my nipple like the slave you are,” Mimi roared as her pleasure approached a crescendo.
His free hand fumbled her breast from the pink bra, and he wrapped his lips around her hard nipple and sucked and licked and worshipped her. She was his goddess, his queen, his owner.
Mimi’s body rocked, quivered, shook and quaked, and finally her climax came like a wave, and she let out a long, satisfied moan and spoke a single word.
Jack erupted inside her, at her command. He felt a rush of gratitude, of pleasure, of subservience. He needed to feel that again. He needed Mimi.
As her moans subsided, she flopped down onto him, then rolled to his side and put a leg over his.
“Good boy, Jack, you did such a good job. I think I’ll keep you.”
Jack smiled, that was all he ever wanted.
“No, Mr Mulvaney, we didn’t locate it,” Mimi said down the phone.
It was a week later. Back in Mimi’s apartment, she was laying naked on the bed. Jack arrived in the doorway, and she beckoned him in. He was nude, save for a collar around his neck. He carried a tray of food and wine and placed it in front of Mimi, who smiled and mouthed ‘good boy’.
“I’m sorry sir, but we scoured the area, I’d say we covered every inch of it, more than once. It’s not there.”
With a crooked finger, Mimi beckoned Jack to the bed. He crawled onto it and Mimi shoved his head between her legs.
“Yes sir,” Mimi said with a quivering tone, “I understand.”
Mimi hung up the phone and leaned closer to Jack.
“Pet, after you finish, we have work to do.”
This erotic hypnosis short story was created thanks to donations to the Hypnotic Holidays Fundraiser. I appreciate all your generosity!