Follow me into a room where there is only pleasure, and service and submission.
This file will bring you to a private place where it’s just you, and me. You’ll quickly learn to obey my commands and become receptive to the power of my voice in this erotic and very NSFW experience.
Includes direct domination, femdom, kneeling, and themes of submission and slavery.
Read the Script
Hi there, my name is Mistress Calia
But you already know that. And you already know that you should be somewhere relaxed, comfortable, and ready to sink into a deep, pleasurable trance.
That’s right, already feeling a little sleepy just hearing my words as they move into your mind.
It’s easy to just relax and listen to me. It’s easy to just let yourself get more comfortable, to feel your body shift into the most cosy possible position as my voice guides you. No need to think about it, just let the wave of calm, comfortable relaxation wash over you.
My voice is like a blanket draped over your tired body, it has weight, it’s warm, safe and so soft.
You enjoy being here with me, listening to my voice as it drifts into your mind and ripples through your body.
Today we get to have a little more fun. Today I’m going to take you deep into a trance and let you enjoy the most exquisite pleasure that only hypnosis can bring. All you have to do is lie back, follow my words and (CLICK SFX) you’ll be lost in a haze of pleasure.
But first, we need to get you into a more relaxed, sleepy state. It’s ok to be excited, and if you find your hand wandering as I speak, maybe touching yourself just a little, that’s fine, just be slow and gentle for now. And if you want to wait and see if I allow you to touch at all, that’s also ok.
We are going to have fun, and you do not need to worry about the details too much. Let me take care of it. You simply need to listen and follow my words. Let me guide you down, like you’re walking down a staircase.
At the top, it’s hard to see the bottom, there are a lot of steps, covered in red velvet carpet. Soft and plush. Naturally you wonder what might be at the base of these steps, it must be important to be decorated like this.
Shut your eyes if you haven’t already and picture the scene. A long staircase down, leading to a dark room. You can’t make out any details, but the soft red carpet under your feet fills you with ideas of what might be there. The walls are painted black and as you look down the staircase you see paintings of erotic scenes hanging on the walls, each one illuminated with a light of its own.
The scenes you see begin to play on your mind, the scenes of men and women in intense, sexual situations. Playing, teasing, tormenting one another. You find that the more you think about it, the more you think of this display of sexuality, the more you think, simply, about sex. About your growing arousal and the warmth in your body, the need, the urge for pleasure.
You realise, standing as you are at the top of the staircase, that what lies below, down deeper, is pleasure itself. Is the fulfilment of desire and fantasy, the wonderful intersection between reality and deeply erotic dream.
I’m sure you already want to take the first step, and you can picture it in your mind’s eye, your foot stepping down, then the other. With each step you take, you are committing yourself further to the idea that at the bottom, there is only bliss, erotic bliss.
Each step you take relaxes you a little further, makes the pull a little stronger until you are inexorably drawn to the bottom. What lies there is your desire, your need, your hunger and as you take the next step, feel your body relax deeper for me, letting go of any worry or care.
Just feeling yourself grow heavy, sinking down and down as you relax even more for me and take another step. Each step bringing you down deeper, closer to what you desire, letting me take you there.
Follow my words down the staircase in your mind, past images of love and sex and submission and dominance. Let them fill your mind with lust and need. Every step you take conjures more images, more desires, feeds your hunger, your need.
Your arousal grows, your mind moves from image to image in seconds, changing with the (CLICK SFX) of a finger. You are falling deeper now, and your lust builds as you do. Pleasure is waiting for you, the deeper you go the better it feels.
There are eight steps left and as you walk down with each one you will relax deeper, but feel increasingly aroused. Your mind will drift between the most erotic images it can conjure as conscious thought vanishes, replaced by subconscious desires.
Follow me now, follow my voice as I guide you from step eight to the bottom, to zero, where you will fall into a deep, lustful trance, under my power and ready to follow my every command.
Let your mind drift as you take a step down from eight to seven.
You feel the pull from below grow stronger, as if some force is beckoning you, calling you to give in to it, give in a experience ecstasy as you step from seven to six.
Your mind is losing focus, your will weakening. It’s ok now to just let go of thought and embrace feeling, embrace lust.
From six to five now, your body so relaxed, your mind so focused on thoughts of pleasure, You can let go of your conscious mind, that’s right, just let your thoughts float away and focus on how good it feels to follow my voice.
As you move from five to four your arousal builds even more, pleasure begins to course through your body, tingling across your skin. It is a wonderful, welcome feeling, a taste of what is to come.
And now you move down to the third step from the bottom, your thoughts are gone, your mind is empty of worry, open to new ideas, new suggestions, new desires.
From step three to two, feeling yourself going under now, falling into a trance fuelled by need, falling down under the sway of my words and the images your mind is filling with. Primal, sexual images that you cannot resist as you
Go to the final step. You are ready now, ready to reach the bottom and enter the world of desire and lust and arousal. You feel a gentle wave of pleasure move through your body, tingling and tugging at you, pulling you down, pulling you like my words pull you, down and down and down until you reach the bottom as you make the final step and
You fall under my spell, completely and utterly.
And now that you are under my spell, under my power, you realise that you are somewhere you very much enjoy being. Somewhere you have always fantasised about. In your mind you look around and see the most splendid room, the red carpet continuing along the centre, to a throne, where a beautiful woman sits. You cannot see her face, only her legs and feet, crossed. On the walls are more images of sexuality, erotic pictures that showcase her power and domination. Worshippers on their hands and knees before her, kissing her feet, offering themselves to her, bringing gifts.
You realise every one of them is lost in rapture, and you begin to understand why you have been called here, called by my voice.
You have been summoned by the (CLICK SFX) of my fingers to serve.
And you enjoy that thought, because there is a simplicity in surrendering, in letting someone else worry and giving yourself completely to them. To their control.
It sounds enticing, doesn’t it? I’m sure you find yourself agreeing, and that’s what you should do, you’re already compliant, drifting in a state of relaxing pleasure. It’s so much easier to simply let go of yourself, your ego, your thoughts, and let me fill your head with desires and dreams and delights.
All you have to do, to fully let go, to embrace the erotic world you have entered, is walk to me. It’s only five steps along the red carpet. You see my feet, my heel dangling from one, and you feel the urge to walk to me, to walk to me and fall to your knees, ready to serve.
That urge tugs at you, tugs at the pleasure centres of your mind. The more you think about falling to your knees for me, the more you want it. The more you want it, the more it becomes your reality, the more your body pulses with arousal at the thought.
It’s ok to give in, to let go. You can allow yourself that indulgence. You can allow your mind to fill with thoughts of service, submission and surrender, and let those thoughts guide you to me.
Five steps, that’s all it takes, five steps in your mind, each one taking you deeper into my power, building your devotion to me, your desire to serve.
Take the first step now, imagine yourself moving forward, toward me, toward the woman who you are coming to accept as your Mistress. Feel the thrill of it, the ripple of arousal that courses through your body as you begin your surrender.
Now step again, a little closer with this second step, a little deeper, a little more turned on by what you are doing, what you are becoming. You are giving yourself to me, giving me your body to use as I see fit, and that just sounds like bliss, a perfect escape from dull reality.
A third step, more than halfway there as you fall deeper into submission. Your Mistress awaits, her feet call to you, tell your mind to surrender and your knees to weaken. You know your place, you begin to accept it as your body quivers with desire.
A fourth step, so close you can almost smell me, taste me, but you know that the right place is down on your knees. You know now, as you fall ever deeper, that you must obey and submit to me, your Mistress. That’s right, let the acceptance wash over you, and prepare to fall fully and completely under my sway.
Now take the step, feel your mind submit, your will crumble and your knees buckle. Fall at my feet, eyes looking down, ready and will to serve. Deep, so deep under my power that you can only think of submission, service and surrender. You belong to me, I am your Mistress.
Say it now, whisper it to yourself… “you are my Mistress”
That’s right, and now, you are my slave. You serve me. In this deep, arousing state of trance, you are my willing and obedient servant, eager to obey my every command. With each command I give you, you will feel a rush of pleasure, a throbbing, pulsing jolt of utter ecstasy. All you have to do is obey my command.
You can start by touching yourself, slowly, if you weren’t already, and you will immediately feel the pleasure building as you obey my command.
You instantly realise that obedience is pleasure, obedience to me brings you arousal, it makes you smile as you touch yourself, imaging yourself kneeling at my feet, pleasuring yourself for my amusement.
You are my slave, and each time you do as I tell you, pleasure will surge through your body until eventually, you can no longer take it, and you erupt on my command, exploding with desire in a powerful, hypnotic orgasm… but first we must ensure your obedience.
Repeat after me, and with each repetition feel your pleasure increase, making you weaker and more submissive.
Repeat, slave. “I belong to Mistress Calia”
Good, “I serve Mistress…
That’s right, you serve me. Now, “I am Mistress Calia’s slave”
Very good slave, repeat, “My place is on my knees at Mistress Calia’s feet”
That’s right, that is where you belong. “I surrender my will to Mistress Calia”
You have no will, no desire to resist, you only want to serve, each time you obey me you only want it more, only feel more pleasure. It’s building now, building into a deep urge to orgasm on my command, and only on my command, but you must be patient.
Go faster now, make it even better as I command you once more to repeat after me…
“I am a slave”
Good. “I am a servant.”
That’s right. “I surrender to Mistress Calia”
Very good, “I only orgasm when Mistress Calia allows it”
Yes my slave, “My place is beneath Mistress Calia”
That’s right, and you feel pleasure growing and growing, you desperately need to orgasm for me, but you must obey me and only release when I permit it.
And just by obeying that command, your arousal grows stronger and you can touch yourself faster, pleasuring yourself at my command, at my feet, in my power.
You are deep under my control, and you love this feeling, this feeling of submissive arousal, of servitude and pleasure and exquisite indulgent lust.
Your mind is filling with thoughts of how you can serve me, of kneeling and kissing my feet, of cleaning my shoes of offering me gifts of being my footstool of bringing me wine of being locked in a collar and chained to my bed, my obedient, submissive slave.
You love that idea don’t you? Of course you do, I command you to love it and if you love it you feel good, it’s so easy, so simple to be a good slave and the reward is what you are experiencing right now, the deep, pleasurable reward that only comes from obedience.
I want you to orgasm soon for me, but I want to lock the feeling you have now into your subconscious memory. Imagine your pleasure, your submission, your arousal, locked inside a box that I can open when I want to control you. Imagine the key locking it shut, the memory safely stored forever, until I want you to feel it again. That memory is deep inside you now, your slavery deeply ingrained in your subconscious.
When you wake, all you will remember was that Mistress Calia gave you the most wonderful, pleasurable feeling, and you are so grateful and want more of her, but deep down in your mind, deep in the dark recesses of your subconscious desires, your lust for submission to me is waiting to be awakended by my voice, and every time you hear it that feeling will come to the surface, rising from within you, building your arousal just as I am building it now, building to a wonderful, climaxing crescendo of pure bliss.
All you have to do to achieve that bliss is obey me completely. No thoughts, only surrender. Say that back and feel your pleasure grow even more. “NO thoughts, only surrender.”
Good slave. I am going to wake you up soon, and after you wake there is a final task for you before you may release. You may orgasm once you do this one more thing for me after I bring you up from trance. It’s very simple. Say aloud five times, “I am a slave for my owner, Mistress Calia”
Once you say that five times, you may orgasm, and you will forget why or how you said it, you will simply bask in the pleasure of obedience and submission and the deeply buried knowledge that you fully and completely belong to me.
Coming up from trance, rising up, rising from your knees, that’s it, walking back out of the room, up the stairs. Coming up in five, as you feel the world return around you, four as your hands and feet move around, stretching a bit, three as you feel alert and refreshed and still very, very aroused and ready to obey my final command, two as you keep touching yourself, eyes open, fully aware of your surroundings but incredibly turned on and not fully sure why and one awaken and obey my command, earn your release. Repeat my words.
That’s right
Good slave
You obey me fully
And submit to me
I will speak to you again soon, I hope you enjoyed this experience. I enjoyed playing with you, so make sure you come back again for more.
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