My longest ever file! Pure, unadulterated teasing, for over two hours. That’s all this file is, yet there’s so much more going on.
After a conversational induction to trance, you’ll be brought even deeper with fractionation, taking you into and out of trance, over and over until you’re completely mindfucked. Oh and you’re only allowed to edge and touch yourself while you’re under trance, so you’re being conditioned to be come totally obsessed with the idea of it, of being a slut for trance, a hypno fetishist, obsessed with erotic hypnosis, a tranceslut. My tranceslut.
This file will take you deep, bring you back, and repeat and by the end you’ll be so desperate for an orgasm you’ll practically beg me for it, whining, edging, whimpering and pleading for release… and you’ll have to keep waiting, wanting, and needing until you reach the climax, every fractionation drop teasing you further and deeper.
While the fractionation makes sure you get some breaks, you’ll find this edging challenge may not be one you can complete. Can you reach the end of the file, and receive my permission for a hypnotic orgasm, or will you fall along the way as your fractionated mind gives in to pleasure and goes over the edge? And did you even know erotic hypnosis could make you feel this way?
Read the Script
Hello and welcome to this extended, exciting experience. If you don’t know me, I’m Mistress Calia and I make erotic hypnosis content. Find more of my work at Mistress Calia dot com.
Now, if you want to be sure this recording has the intended effect, that it truly gets you into a state of relaxation and calm, and you enjoy it fully and completely, I want you to do a few things before we get started.
First of all, make sure the space is relatively dark. You want to be able to shut out as much external stimulus as possible, and light is a good start. If you’re listening on a computer, dim the screens. Just keep it low light, so you can feel more relaxed, more comfortable, sleepier.
Next, be sure you won’t be disturbed. This file is long, very long, and you don’t want to be interrupted because you’ll be spending a long time with my voice, just us, together for an extended trance. I know that sounds wonderful so make sure no one is going to walk in, come home, or make a lot of noise.
And be somewhere comfortable, that can be on a bed, in your favourite chair, whatever you like, just somewhere that you feel you can rest and relax every muscle in your body, where you can sink into the cushioning and simply rest.
But we won’t just be resting today, we’ll be having a little more fun together. So if you want, have some lubrication on hand to use, and remember it’s completely ok, even deep in a trance, to reach for something, to move your hands, your body, to scratch an itch if you need to.
Trance, I’ll remind you, is a state of focus, not sleep. You won’t break it if you move a little. You won’t wake up because you’re already awake. If you weren’t, trust me, you wouldn’t be able to enjoy this experience. But you might feel sleepy, you might feel as if you’re drifting on a cloud, but you’ll be awake, and sort of asleep – but not really. No, you’ll simply be relaxing to the sound of my voice and following the words I say as they lead you through this guided experience.
So, now that I’ve gotten through that rather exacting introduction, why don’t we get started? Or maybe we already have. You see, hypnosis is really quite an interesting area of psychology. You can be put into a trance in a huge number of ways, so just using the language I have been, those hypnotic sounding words, the idea of darkening the room, of relaxing into place where you are, of being undisturbed, you probably already feel a little bit hypnotized. And even if you don’t, all of those words combine to have a power over your mind that feels like nothing at first, but over time, more of my words pour into that open mind and soon you find yourself reacting to me, following my commands, and enjoying the feeling of doing that.
Why don’t I demonstrate that, just a little bit? Why don’t we start by exploring the simple fact that listening to a hypnotist is relaxing, and it is enjoyable to relax. After all, what truly feels better than the moment you finally crawl into bed after a long day. When the aching muscles and weary mind finally find peace and calm?
Very little, I would say. In fact, I think it may be one of life’s great pleasures to find a comfortable spot to simply rest and relax, and of course if you can enjoy life’s other great pleasures, well, that’s just an utter delight.
So listen now, listen to me and we can start with the pleasure of rest. The pleasure of slowing down, relaxing and enjoying the moment of calm that comes when you let your body and mind move a little less quickly, a little less focused on the pressures of life and a little more focused on the words of someone who wants to give you a good time.
And that’s really all I want to do with you, here, today in this recording. I want to help you experience pleasure, but different kinds of pleasure. And you can start with the pleasure of rest, relaxation, and calm.
We begin in a way you’ve done a hundred times, but it is so effective, so of course we do. With your breathing. Because your breathing is something that you will find can truly influence your body and your mind. It is essential to existence. The moment you heard breathing of course you began to think about it, about how you draw in a breath and about how long that breath sits within you before you release it.
And I want you not to follow a specific pattern of breathing that I tell you to, instead I want you to take a breath and note how long it takes to breathe in fully, to hold, and to exhale fully. Just note that in your mind and then try to slow down for the breath after that. And keep slowing down.
Just keep breathing slower and slower. You will reach a point where you can no longer slow further, but that’s ok, by then you’ll be breathing so slowly, and so calmly, that you’ll find you are deeply relaxed and at peace within your body.
So, begin with slowing a little. Just a little slowing of the pace of your breathing can slow the pace of your mind. Slow breathing slows everything. Makes you feel relaxed. It’s almost as if you are breathing in calm and rest and breathing out worry and stress. That may not be true, but that’s how it feels, and how things feel is often more important to your mind than what is real. Perception, with hypnosis, is nine tenths of the law.
So, as you breathe slower and slower, notice how that affects your body and mind. Note how you feel. How you may feel as though you are sinking down into a restful state. Note how your chest expands and falls back, how you can feel your lungs expand when you inhale. You may never notice these things day to day, but now you can take stock of them, of the feelings your body can have just by listening to me so mindfully.
And do be mindful. I’m not asking you to go blank or drop into a trance, not yet, no I want you to focus on my words. I want you to listen to me and just follow what I say. It’s not a command, just a simple suggestion to slow your breathing and it does produce pleasant results, doesn’t it?
You see, you’re in control of this, you’re controlling your breathing. But maybe without me telling you this, you wouldn’t have done it. It’s hard to have these feelings alone sometimes, because other things seem important. But when you can let someone else take the lead, you can just forget those things as you relax.
Isn’t that nice? This calm building inside you as your breathing gets so slow. And more than that, there’s just a general sense of ease to everything when you slow down like this. Like you can achieve whatever you want. Sometimes all you truly need to do is take a deep breath, and if that’s true, think what you can manage if you take a lot of long, deep breaths.
And that’s just what you’re doing, you’re pulling in all of that calm from the air around you and filling yourself with it. Filling your body with calm, peace, rest. Filling your mind with relaxation, letting your worries empty from it. You can take a deep breath and realise that you don’t have anything to worry about, not right now, not here with me.
Right now, all you need to do, all that truly matters, is enjoying the moment. And I want you to enjoy this. I want you to enjoy the time you spend with me, resting, breathing, calmly listening. Just being here with me, what a wonderful thing you get to do, to have this time just for you.
So, enjoy it, make the most of it by following my words and suggestions. There is no need to do anything but that, if you simply follow my words we can have the most incredible time. You can relax so deeply, as you already are, and all I’ve told you is to breathe slower.
If that small change can make such a big difference, your mind must be so powerful. And once it absorbs my words, and acts upon them, you can feel that power. It’s within you, deep in your core, a warmth in your torso, at the bottom of your stomach, can you feel it?
It’s ok if you don’t right away, just listen now as I explain. Within you, deep in your core, you have strength, you can clench the muscles there and feel it, but I don’t want you to. I just want you to know you can. Know the muscles that are there, at the bottom of your stomach, know that there is where you can feel a warmth.
Think of it like a gentle glow, a light building up within you. A warm glow, filling your stomach. I want you to notice it. It’s there, even if it’s faint. But as you slowly breathe you find that it becomes more noticeable. That warm glow within feels clearer to you, more obvious. It is in your stomach, your abdomen.
That warm glow is so relaxing and calming, and as you breathe slowly, breathe deeply, you can feel it expand like your chest. Filling your body, spreading out. It’s such a wonderful feeling, to let that relaxation build around your body, to breathe deep and let rest spread out, to let calm and warmth spread out. It makes you feel so comfortable, helps you sink down deep into your position, helps you relax so completely.
That warmth is powerful, it’s special. It’s created in you, by you. That’s your body telling you to relax. You can feel it move everywhere, spreading out like liquid warmth up your body, up your chest to your arms, down your legs, making every part of you feel warm and relaxed, safe and comfortable, peaceful and content.
And as you let that feeling grow, let your breathing continue to slow, let yourself rest. You don’t need to do anything now, just listen and relax. Isn’t that nice? You may find the warmth builds a little more with each breath you take, filling you up with a glowing, wonderful feeling of relaxation.
But it’s not just that, it’s calm, its peace, and it’s within you, coming from you. Building from you. From deep in the pit of your stomach emanating outward, running down your arms to the tips of your fingers. Spreading down your thighs, calves, into your feet and right to your toes. Easier to feel it, when you focus on those body parts just a little.
Maybe you can feel it in your shoulders, like a massage, like a backrub helping you to drift down and relax further. Maybe in your thighs, helping them soften and loosen, muscles letting go of any tightness and stress. Just letting those warm feelings, sensations of calm and relaxation fill your body, fill your mind, and help you to feel simply calm, relaxed, and wonderful.
Because right now you don’t need to do anything else. You can just sit, relax, and listen. Just rest. You might occasionally think about other things but that’s ok, distraction is normal and it’s ok to let your mind wander. To let it drift and daydream a little. You’ll still hear me; you’ll still be focused on me.
You may find yourself drifting to other things, but you’ll always come back to me, right here at the centre of your mind, making you feel warm and calm and safe. Still taking slow, calming breaths and feeling quite relaxed, quite wonderful, quite peaceful, that’s all you need to feel, really, all you need to be is relaxed and focused on me.
And as you listen, you can let my words fill your mind, just filling you up with new thoughts and ideas. Maybe some are from what you hear, maybe some are simply your imagination. You may find you imagine all sorts of things as you slip down into a trance. You may find that your mind drifts to thoughts that are erotic or sexual, because hypnosis is quite a sexual, sensual experience.
But why, you may wonder. Why is hypnosis like that? It’s simple, it’s because you are choosing to let me into your mind. To trust me, to embrace me. How intimate, how close. You are absorbing my words and letting them influence you just a little bit. Trusting me to slip into your subconscious and offer you a new way of thinking or some sensation you so want.
And what might that sensation be, you wonder as you breathe slowly, eyes shut, wondering where we’ll go next. Where we’ll end up together. This is a long journey, so don’t rush. This is a chance to slow down, pace yourself, and enjoy a wonderful experience together. You and I are spending a lot of time together and I don’t want you to wonder about the end. You need to enjoy the journey.
So, smile. You’re in safe hands. I mean it, curl those lips into a smile. Feel the muscles around your mouth moving, notice how your face changes, how your cheeks rise up, you notice it just under your eyes.
And hold that smile. Because smiling, just taking a moment to smile, makes you happier. I am helping to make you happier, and you are doing what you need to do to make yourself happier. Because it comes not from the mind, not really, but from the body.
The body informs the mind. Tells it what it needs to know, and the mind interprets. If you smile, the mind thinks… well I must be happy. And you feel happy, those chemicals are released, and you feel calm and content.
You know what else releases happy things into your mind. Arousal. That’s right, when you feel aroused, when you feel pleasure, and when you orgasm. The release of oxytocin can make you feel calmer, can take away headaches, can make you feel less pain.
So, while you may think of hypnosis as being all about the mind, we can make sure the body is part of it too. I can. Because as you drift into a relaxed state, breathing slowly, you may find that it’s easier to just follow my words and let me guide you now. You may find you don’t quite need to think so much yourself, when you have me to do it for you. Let that smile get bigger, you’re right where you want to be.
And I like having you here with me. I like having you with me in this moment. This calming, restful, peaceful moment. But I want you to know that it won’t always be peaceful, or restful. Because I am hypnotizing you. You may think that’s putting you to sleep, but it’s not. It’s making sure you focus on me, specifically me.
You can be doing something else and not lose that focus. I am your focus, and you can just keep that focus on me, keep your mind centred on me. Perhaps you think of other things now and then, but you can easily return to me whenever you want, whenever you need to. You won’t ignore or miss a suggestion, your subconscious mind will do that for you, and the more you feel good, whether that’s from that lovely smile you have, or sexual, physical pleasure, the more you’ll find that you want to focus on me.
Focusing on me as I help you feel good, as I impart the wisdom of body and mind and show you the path to pleasure. And sometimes true pleasure must be slow, must pause. Sometimes you must wait for it, ache for it. And that can be pleasurable too. The anticipation, the desire, the drive to continue. Wondering where all of this will lead but remember we are here for the journey; we do not worry for the destination.
So, take solace that we will arrive when we need to and not a moment sooner. That every moment you share with me is carefully, expertly planned to ensure you have the maximum of wonderful pleasure upon the route to your inevitable release.
And the flood of oxytocin, of sensation, of gratitude and wonder, will be worth the time you spend aching and needing and pleading for it. You may find yourself wanting to ask aloud for more, to beg and whimper. You may find it hard not to make noise, to buck and twitch.
That’s ok, it’s ok to let your body and your mind and your mouth and your skin and your hands do as they need, unless it’s to override a command or suggestion, because that’s the only thing that will make this an unhappy experience. This is a guided moment of calm, peace, and pleasure. What use is the guide if you change the path? If you go and get lost?
Or perhaps you want to get lost. Lost in my voice. Perhaps you want to fall into a deep, arousing trance, because trance is arousing, and lose yourself. Maybe you want to lose your mind to the power of my words. They move and twist and reverberate into your mind.
Can you feel my words yet? Not just hear, but feel? Can you notice the way they caress your ears and tickle your brain? Do you feel the soft sweep of them over your flesh? Wondering if my flesh touching you would feel as my words do, soft and warm and wonderful and oh so gently arousing.
Because I am quite sure they do, my smiling subject. I am quite certain that my words have the same effect as my body would upon you. What difference is there, truly between body and mind, when one informs the other. When I am speaking directly to you, my words filling your mind, and your body reacting, I am there. With you. In this moment. Share it deeply with me.
Open up to me, and let my words in, let me truly fill you and you will enjoy the reward. The reward of arousal, of pleasure and happiness and joy and wonder at the sound of my voice.
This is your reward for listening, for focusing. You might not listen all the time, you might find you drift into daydream but you’re still here and listening and I think you deserve the reward. Deserve to feel it.
But your waking mind will not fully appreciate it. Perhaps your subconscious will enjoy it more. Maybe you need to be fully, completely, and totally entranced for that to happen. So now as you feel my words on your skin, like soft kisses, like gentle caresses. As you feel them in your mind like fingers massaging your brain, you can let yourself fall.
You can feel my words like a blanket falling over your body, soft warm fleecy fabric covering you in me. Safe and calm, but anticipating, waiting, wondering, wanting. But now it’s just this warm weighted blanket that covers you, lulling you down into a state of relaxation, a state of calm and peace and warmth that feels so very nice, so very good. So wonderful.
And you can enjoy that feeling, that warm feeling of wonderful relaxation, because you get this reward just for listening to me. Like a very good subject should. You can be a very good subject for your hypnotist just by listening and following their words as they lead you down into trance.
Noticing now the air around you, thick and heavy. The smooth movement of a light breeze across your hands. The light rumble of my voice in your ears. The weight of your earphones. It’s all lulling you into a relaxed state of trance. One you will enter when you hear me speak a word. A specific, entrancing word. One designed to bring you down completely. One I have used before, once or twice. But you don’t need to be familiar to feel the power.
It’s a word that exemplifies dropping into trance, that will make you feel all the sensations you associate with it. You may find yourself, once you hear me say it, feeling weightless for just a moment, feeling a haze around your mind, telling you that you’re in trance.
You may, when I say it, feel as though you’re dropping, like when an aeroplane starts descending. That feeling in the pit of your stomach for a moment.
You might simply feel dizzy, warm, tingly all over. You can imagine those feelings, can’t you? All caused by a single word. You may notice your head twitches a little, droops, your eyes roll back. You may find yourself making involuntary noises, tiny groans of happiness and pleasure.
As you hear that word and drop into a trance perhaps you’ll feel as though that blanket is surrounding you entirely, making you completely cocooned in warmth and happiness.
You may find you feel tense now, and the word simply dissipates that tension. Your muscles loosen, go limp. Your mind stops, thinking slow, everything empty. You can let that happen, once you hear the word.
You may even feel as though you’re suddenly going downward on a rollercoaster, and that the sensation builds as you anticipate the drop to come, and the release is utterly joyful, making you feel so happy and content and excited.
And you may simply lose yourself in arousal at all the erotic ideas having someone inside your mind pulling your levers and pressing your buttons conjures up.
No matter how you experience it, one word sends you into that state, that state of trance where your mind is open, where you can accept my suggestions with ease, and you find it easy to obey the commands you hear.
Once you enter that state, upon hearing the word, the trigger, you might realise that you are extremely suggestible, open, and your inhibitions are lowered. You might notice how arousing that can be. How your body can react without fear or shame because you are no longer in control.
One word, taking you into a state where pleasure is found in simply listening, and following, and focusing, because it’s quite easy to let that happen, to enjoy it and to let my words fill you up and wash over you.
One word taking you into a state of hypnotic bliss and relaxation and calm and pleasure and excitement, a rush of ideas and sensations. A place where you know that the erotic thoughts you have about hypnosis and mind control can be made real. A place you may not want to leave.
A place that you can drop into with a single, simple word. It will send you deep into a trance and push your own thoughts aside so you may let mine in. And mine are full of sex and lust and satisfaction. In trance you can let go of any ideas you may have about how you should act and let yourself be free. Let yourself be free of shame and guilt and just let pleasure win. Let me in and let pleasure win. Trance is your pleasure space, your place of sexual need and arousal and fantasy.
In trance you can feel anything you want without worrying about who might know or what they might say. There is no judgment here, only enjoyable, empty minded arousal at the sound of my voice. And all you need to get to that place, is my voice saying a single word.
Once you hear it you’ll drop into a trance, a deep, deep trance and feel so good, so ready for more pleasure, so ready to know how truly incredible hypnosis can make you feel. And after all, isn’t that why you’re here? Why you choose to embrace this and yes, you can choose to embrace this moment. You can choose to feel the sensations that one word conjures as it sends you down into trance.
And what word can make you go down, make you drop… what sums all of that up?
Fall for me. Fall for my words. Fall into them. Fall for me. Feel that dizziness, that sudden drop. Fall. Down into a trance. Fall and let your mind empty and become open to suggestion.
That’s right, doing so well, such a good subject. You’re doing a fantastic job now of just listening and following my words. And now I want you to notice something. I want you to notice how wonderful and warm your body feels.
It’s like slipping into bed, slipping under the sheets. But the bed is already warm. Because you’re not alone. Because in this moment I am here with you. I am right here beside you, keeping the bed warm, but not touching you. Just laying on my side, resting beside you, regarding you.
I have kept this place warm so I can beckon you in, invite you into this trance with me. To bring you down into this place of peace, but not only that, of pleasure. Because our beds, aren’t they both? Aren’t they places of rest and relaxation but also of immense lust and love?
Arousal peaks in bed. There is no place more likely to lead to sex and seduction and surrender to pleasure than your bed. Or my bed. And this trance brings you there. Right down into it, into the warmth of it, but also the pleasure of it. Now you can think about it, think of the things you might do in bed, anticipating, waiting, wanting and wondering.
I am here with you and you are deep in trance and now you begin to truly feel the stirrings of pleasure that come from being here. The rising, rippling arousal of being right here in bed, with me. Where I’m sure you can imagine what might happen. What might happen if our skin touched, if I caressed your chest or your arm.
Where you can feel your body tingling, glowing with the warmth of this trance. Tingling with pleasure and excitement for what might come. But for now you just notice that. You notice the feelings, the feeling of warmth and tingling. That tingling drawing you deeper into trance, holding you in it, warm and safe like the blanket.
But that tingling feeling is all over you. It’s even right there between your legs. Starting to tingle more and more. The longer you spend in trance, the more pleasure you feel. Being in trance is pleasure. It is arousal. Hypnosis is the gateway and trance is the place, the place of pleasure and sex and lust. Of utter need and carnal wonder. It is the place where the pleasures of the mind and the body meet, in a cacophony of joy and desire.
And once you’re in trance with me, you can feel that tingling, pulsing energy, that flow of trance, that feeling of it, growing and growing like a glow, a warmth inside you. And it feels so wonderful, so good, so utterly erotic to spend this time in trance, to feel this pleasure.
And you do feel pleasure. You may notice that tingling between your legs growing in intensity now, feeling more and more urgent. Creating a need. You need more than just to feel it from my words, you need to touch.
You might now find that there’s an urge that is quite powerful. A compelling, compulsive urge to not only feel the pleasure, but to build it, to grow it. And even though every moment you stay with me in trance your pleasure does build, does grow, you need to make it even better.
And I told you clearly, once you’re in trance, you can feel no shame in that. You can accept that. It is ok to want pleasure, good subjects want to feel pleasure especially when their hypnotist allows it, only when their hypnotist allows it. You wait patiently for the command, like a good subject, but I want to give you a clear suggestion, one you must pay close attention to.
You may only touch yourself in trance, for the duration of this file. You may not touch yourself when you are not in this trance state. You will no longer be able to move your hand to pleasure yourself. You will remove it, keep it at your side, even if you squirm and buck and thrust. Even if your body screams at you for more.
And maybe you doubt that will happen now, this early in our little adventure, but you might find that soon you will be desperately eager and needy to stay in trance, you might find yourself desperate to return to this state as often as possible.
But you will follow my words and accept my suggestions. You will obey my command, like the good subject you are. And now, like a good subject, you may touch yourself. You may feel pleasure growing, tingling, glowing.
You may touch yourself to the sound of my voice, knowing that it takes you deep down into this state. Deep down into a wonderfully erotic and arousing state of trance. Feel your pleasure building as your rub yourself for me, as you please and satisfy yourself.
But you are not, and I must make this very clear, you are not allowed to orgasm without permission.
Those are the only two rules you must follow for our time together. You may not touch unless you are in trance, and you may not orgasm without my permission. Nod your head to confirm you understand, my good subject.
Very good, and you may find that doing as I told you made your pleasure grow even stronger. The very idea of following my commands fills you with sexual desire, erotic need. It makes you feel weaker, more compliant, more docile.
And that’s ok, that’s how I want you to be in this wonderful place of trance because the more obedient you are, the more aroused you will become. The more you do as I command the better you will feel.
You may find your mind wandering through this experience, you may need to scratch and itch or move or walk around for a moment even, but they will not dull the power of my voice. You will deal with your distraction and return to my voice, my voice the centre of your reality now. The only thing you need to hear, the only thing you need to notice.
You can notice other things but you don’t need to. You don’t need to because my voice is what grows your pleasure, what makes you feel better and better with every moment you spend in trance, touching yourself at my command.
And once you’re in trance you no longer need my permission. If you’re in trance, touch yourself. If you’re in trance, rub and please yourself. Don’t wait for me to tell you, trance is pleasure and pleasure is trance, accept it and enjoy it.
And the more you touch the deeper you go and the deeper you go the more you touch. Isn’t that such a wonderful feeling. Is that smile on your face even bigger now? That happy, contented, empty-headed grin, you good subject you.
It must be so nice to be able to simply relax and enjoy the utter pleasure and arousal of being in a deep, empty trance like this. Warm and wrapped up in the blanket of my words, tingling all over with desire and anticipation, but darling, bad news.
You have to wake up. In fact, that very phrase, wake up, that’s your trigger to leave trance, and stop touching yourself. Wake up, sweetness.
Wake up for me.
Poor thing. You’re a little confused I’m sure, wondering what’s going on, it’s ok, just keep listening. I know you must want me to take you back down into trance and I know you’re very relaxed still. You can just wait patiently, but you do have to wait.
I want you to feel the difference. To know the difference between trance and waking. To really understand it. Because when you go back down again, when you hear that word, you know the one, you will go even deeper than before. It may be hard to believe it, but you were in a light trance. You can go so so much deeper.
You can find yourself slipping deeper and deeper every time you go back into trance after coming up, and of course in trance you’re allowed to touch yourself and I can tell you want to again, don’t you? You can nod and say yes. You can say yes. It’s ok. You’re awake but still very aroused, very excited, very eager to return to that state of trance.
Am I teasing you with it too much? I hope you don’t mind waiting, it’s just you do need to really feel that there’s a difference between your waking world and the deep, relaxing, arousing trance you were just in. You need to see how wonderful it is by feeling the contrast. It’s not the same level of relaxed, not the same depth of sensation. If you touched yourself now you wouldn’t feel nearly as good.
It’s that body and mind link. In trance I think your body is in the ideal state for your mind to release all those good feelings, for those positive emotions. It’s the perfect balance of comfort and arousal and while you’re awake, it’s just not as good, is it?
So, I know you want to go back. I know you’re desperate to. Desperate to let me take you down, down again. And you’ll be so much more desperate soon if I don’t let you, won’t you?
And yet you wait. Because I told you to. Obedient, good subject. Even awake you have allowed my power to sink into your mind, because when you do, it feels good, and you want to feel good. You want to enjoy it, to enjoy my words. You may find yourself desiring it quite badly, to hear the word that send you deep, that drops you, but you can’t have it. You have to be patient my subject, my very good subject.
But you feel that need, that pull of trance, calling to you with its siren song of sleep and sex, don’t you? You can’t help it, it speaks to you, tickles your mind. You can already feel my hands on your brain, moulding it into the shape I want, and you want more. You need more. You need to drop for me, need to spin down into that state again. You’re absolutely desperate for it, and of course you are because in trance you get to touch and pleasure yourself but here now you get nothing but frustration. So that’s why it’s going to be so easy to drop again, isn’t it?
You may find it’s impossible to resist the trigger now when it comes. You might just find the effects even more powerful, more potent, as you hear the word again, then one you’ve been aching for. Longing for.
You want to return to trance, don’t you? You want to drop again? Nod your head, I know, I know.
Of course you do, I’ve made it so attractive, that your mind can barely resist the idea, if it can think at all. You need to hear that trigger, need to go back to that place, feel that rush of arousal and sexual energy, the tingling glow between your legs that grows and grows the longer you spend in trance.
And I want to take you back, I do, but I want you to really, truly need it. Do you need it? Or do you just want it? I think it’s the latter, but we’ll get to the former. Maybe you just need more time. Maybe you just need to
Fall again for me. Feel it sweeping over you, sending you spinning and spiralling down into my power, under my control, under a spell my words are weaving upon your mind. And you’re touching now, touching yourself as you fall, as you fall into a deeper trance now, deeper than before, falling and spinning and spiralling as you fall into my words, into my bed once more. Soft and warm as you touch yourself and I regard you, watch you.
You feel good, my eyes are on you, you have my attention. You are focused on me and I am focused on you, on watching you enjoy the pleasure I give you. And I am happy, just like you. Happy to see you happy, to see you enjoy yourself, truly enjoy yourself. Taking such pleasure in this deep, dark state of trance.
Mind hazy, body tingling and hips starting to move now, despite yourself. You can even let a little moan escape your lips. Any time you want you can be vocal, you can let your mouth release the sounds of pleasure and arousal under trance. You love being in trance for me, with me. Deeply under my control, in a wonderful state of trance where you follow my every word, my every command.
And in this place, this state this utterly delectable position you now find yourself in, you are under my spell, under my control, at my command in my power and loving every pleasurable moment because the tingling over your body spreads further and feels more incredibly powerful every single moment you spend in trance.
Trance is like the warm hand touching you, making your arousal grow, making you feel even better and my voice, my words, my flicking tongue are dragging more and more arousal from you, pushing you, pumping your brain, massaging it, milking out thought after thought and replacing each one with empty, utter arousal, need, pleasure. That is what you desire, sex and surrender, to orgasm at the sound of my voice, at my command, but not until you have permission no, you have to stay on the edge because we have a lot longer to go, a lot further.
But it must be tough to be in trance and feel that need, that drive, that urge to release because your brain wants that too. As much as the part of you focused on my voice wants to obey my every command, the primal, feral part of your mind wants to just cum as soon as it can because it feels so good and it wants that chemical release. That release of good, happy, warm, wonderful feelings that comes with cumming.
But you must be strong and wait because the longer you wait the better than eventual, inevitable release will feel. The utter joy of it will be so much stronger, the pleasure so much sweeter. If you can be strong for me, be the best subject, and just hold on. You’re loving being in trance but you need to hold on and hold back until it is time to surrender fully to pleasure. Not yet, not yet my good subject, you must wait, you must hold on and touch while you’re in trance for me.
Touch and rub while you’re deeply entranced and only stop when you wake, that’s it, wake up. Wake up now. You need a break. Hand off. No more touching.
Stop for a moment now. You must stop for me, stop and wait for the trigger to go back to trance. But you have to be patient. You have to wait. Even though your trance was even deeper and you may find that it’s very hard to resist just dropping again, you have to wait for the trigger. That’s right, the trigger must be heard to drop and touch again even if it is so tempting to just linger in that sleepy state, you are awake and even as you anticipate another trip under my control, you know you must wait.
Are you aching yet? Maybe it’s too soon. Maybe you’re just floating in a haze of erotic arousal, but still in control. But you won’t stay that way. The next time you drop you may find that you are even more aroused, even weaker for me, even more docile and obedient.
You may find it gets harder and harder to wake, and easier and easier to drop. To drop deeply, to experience even more pleasure. Each drop you take into trance will be more pleasurable, more deep than the last. There will be such a hard time coming back up because you have gone so deep and you will keep going deeper.
Open your eyes for a moment if you haven’t already. Look around. See the room, see reality. Far from the pleasure of trance. See the mundane of life, and remember how good it feels in trance and then…
Fall. Fall back into trance. Shut your eyes and touch yourself. That’s right, good subject, touch yourself as you swirl down the well and fall into the dark depths of sleepy surrender. Trance more pleasurable, more deep than before. So deep for me now as you fall. Fall for me.
You’re deep under my power, deep under my control. Completely enveloped in my words and feeling so good, so horny, so aroused at your touch, my words, my words penetrating your mind. You want me to keep you here, keep you in this sleepy state of trance for as long as you can stay, to keep touching and rubbing and obediently following my commands as long as you possibly can.
And perhaps I’ll allow you to linger longer now, perhaps I can let you stay longer. Maybe you’ll find that time is hard to understand in trance. You feel it moving faster because it feels so good, but slower because you get so lost. You feel like a moment has passed but when next you are out of trance, you’ll find it has been much longer. Time dilating around you, making you more lost and confused but so very aroused, so very happy and horny.
Just that, being in my bed with me touching yourself for me, at my command, is enough to make you feel so very good, so very horny so very weak and needy. Your body reacts to my voice as if it’s my hand on you touching you and caressing you. My words are erotic jolts that fire your arousal and make you feel so very, very good, make you feel so utterly wonderful and happy and controlled and obedient.
Because trance feels good, it feels good to be in trance and enjoy the pleasure of following my commands, following my words, following my voice and simply obeying like a good subject, because that’s what you are my tingling subject. You’re so good, doing so well, listening so carefully to me. Letting my words drag you deeper, pull you deeper into trance. So lost now, head spinning, mind lost, empty, thoughtless, just a vessel, an empty vessel filling with arousal and want and lust as you touch yourself for me, not fast, not slow, a gentle, even rhythm for me.
Don’t go over the edge, don’t let yourself go fully into the pleasure because the anticipation, the wait will enhance your trance. The more you want to cum, the more desperate your need, the deeper you go, the more you need trance, the more you need to feel and be hypnotized, dropped into a trance so deep you can’t claw your way out alone, you need my voice to guide you.
But right now my voices guides you only toward arousal, toward the deserpate, aching need you have to orgasm. The tingling sensations that caress and coat your body. Nothing can feel better than this, this deep, delicious trance that has you squirming with pleasure at my voice, to the sound of me whispering in your ear.
You love this. You need this. You want this. You need more. You want more. You would love more trance, more arousal more pleasure more teasing.
But you must wake. Wake up, subject. Wake up and stop touching.
Sorry sweetie, you needed a break. If I kept going there I think you’d have had an orgasm. I don’t’ want you to miss out on the abundance of pleasure that’s ready to blossom from you, that’s ripening within. I want you to wait a little.
I want you to be awake so I can remind you that trance calls to you. Sings to you. And you want to feel that moment again and again, that drop. That wonderful drop, the moment you know that there is no more resistance and you cannot help but become entranced by me. That moment where pleasure and want get the better of any rational part of your mind and you simply drop into trance at my command, at the speaking of a single, solitary word.
One word, that’s it. Isn’t that so powerful? Aren’t I powerful? And you too, your subject mind powerful enough to accept and experience t hat. Good for you, my sweet.
I know now you feel this need, this urge to fall back into trance. But perhaps you wonder, were you even in trance at all, if you can wake and then drop like this. It’s confusing, don’t you think? To not truly understand it. You don’t feel asleep, but you do feel something. Different. But you could have your eyes open and still feel it, still feel that focused energy from your body and mind, focusing it all upon me.
It’s tunnel vision. Your focus narrows but now, waking, eyes open – go on, open them, you feel it widen. As if the world is coming back into focus. Perhaps you could stop this experience and step away from it, if you wanted. You’re wide awake after all, and yet there’s a little nagging thought in your mind that says you shouldn’t. And what is that, if not the lines between waking and trance being blurred?
Perhaps now you can feel the energy and gravity of trance while you are awake and away from it, and even with eyes wide open, and I want you now to keep them open, even if you fall into trance again, because I want you to know that trance is possible regardless of what you may be doing.
Because you will feel your focus narrow, your vision blur. Everything in your peripheral vision becomes unimportant as you focus entirely on what I want you to.
And you won’t mind that one bit because I want you to focus on pleasure. Nothing else but utterly delicious, decadent, sexual pleasure. The pleasure of touching yourself in trance to the voice of someone who knows how to make your mind and body feel utterly amazing.
So if you’re ready, darling, to go back, I want to see if you feel it before you hear the word. I want to see if you notice that the outside of your peripheral vision is already becoming blurry, knowing that you’ll be back in trance in a moment. If your eyes suddenly feel heavy even if I haven’t told you to… not yet sweetie. Do you feel your hand, ready to go back to pleasuring yourself, wanting to. Itchy to move and start that feeling over again.
But not yet, because I want you to understand it for a moment, the powerful pull of trance. If this wasn’t effective, you wouldn’t be feeling these things, any of them. Even if you don’t experience it all, some of this will apply and that alone means you are dropping into a trance.
And all it takes is a push, a shove from me, to make sure that you… fall.
Fall down again, eyes wide open, focused, touching again. Notice the world falling away as pleasure overcomes you and trance makes your mind succumb to my voice. You fall and you slide downward but you don’t move an inch, you are right where you began, safe and secure but oh so aroused for me.
And it feels good, doesn’t it? Knowing that I have this effect on you. Knowing that your mind is malleable, flexible. Your mind is mouldable in my hands, well, in my voice. In my presence. A presence you may begin to feel more and more as you touch yourself, as you feel that pleasure increase. Never pushing over the edge, just letting it build and build, slowly, taking your time. Enjoying every moment.
There is a wonderful, languorous motion to trance, and you feel that in the slow motion of your body, of the way you touch yourself. As if going in slow motion. Time speeding up, then slowing. It goes faster in trance and painfully slow out of it, when you need to return to touch yourself again.
But now you’re here, time speeds up, so rapidly, feeling it swirling faster, your motion slow but time zipping by, as if you’re rushing along the road, lights flashing past. Your blurred peripheral vision full of streaks of light as time passes by so quickly.
One moment you’re up, next you fall, and you stay so deep, deeper each time, feeling more pleasure each time. Pleasure building and building. And when you reach the climax, you’ll be utterly and completely lost in trance, buried in the quicksand of my words.
But we’re still on the journey, so don’t think about the ending. Focus on the moment. On the pleasure you feel at the sound of my voice, at the feeling of my words moving into your mind, like silken strings weaving their way over you. Even now, eyes open, you feel entranced, mind and body entwined in my words, spiralling into them further and feeling so good, so full of pleasure. Lust. Arousal. Need.
Need for more. Need for more speed, orgasm, release. But not yet. Keep going, enjoy the moment. Feel the pleasure of simply being in a state of tranced focus where you touch at my command and enjoy the lovely, sweet sensation of slow-burning pleasure. Your mind keeping your body in check simply because I tell you to, and my will becomes your will. I am willing you to be patient and you are obediently following my commands and suggestions.
Because it feels good to do that, and the more you obey, the better it feels. The more you listen, follow my words, and let them fill your mind, the more pleasure you will experience. The more you will enjoy yourself. And that is, after all, why we’re here. Don’t you agree? Aren’t you here for a wonderful, arousing, sensual time? Deeply entranced, wrapped in my words until they send you back to reality again.
With eyes open, in a waking trance, or with them shut tight and feeling lost in your dreams, it matters little. All feels just as good, all feels like pleasure. Pure, delicious, delirious pleasure. You feel good don’t you? As you touch yourself for me? As you feel my words pushing their way into your mind and driving that arousal further, making it stronger, making it more enticingly erotic and sexually seductive.
You cannot help but enjoy the feelings that trance brings because this is your fantasy, the simple, erotic fantasy of a hypnotist bringing you into a state of trance, and following their commands, as if your body is acting entirely upon their suggestion. MY suggestion. You cannot help but comply, and you want to, don’t you?
You enjoy this feeling, of compliant masturbation. Of obedient touching. Playing. Pleasuring. You love to simply follow my words and surrender to the pleasure they bring. So you surrender deeper and deeper with every moment. Letting go of everything that is not this moment, this trance, this pleasure, and my words. Letting go of it all. Forgetting about worries and stress and care and focusing solely, exclusively, on what you need most. And what you need is my voice guiding you into deeper trance and more pleasure.
Because the deeper you go the better it feels and the more you fall into trance the more pleasure you feel, the deeper you feel. It’s so simple, just following my words that take you down so deep, that drop you harder and harder each time, and letting them fill you with want and arousal and pleasure and sexual energy that you must accept and enjoy.
It’s not like you have a choice anymore. You chose to join me on this little journey and now you’re deep inside it, deep in my power, under my captivating, sexual spell, one you don’t want to leave, but you will, in a moment. And now I want you to realise that you simply do not want to leave this trance. You don’t want to escape. You don’t want to leave this mindset of pleasure and deep obedient trance. You want to stay right here inside it, with me.
You want to keep spinning down and that want is growing. And now with each time you drop into trance you will feel it coming on quicker, stronger, harder, because you know you want to stay here, even though you can’t, even though you will be brought back up, you don’t want that. And when you are brought back up, every time you will want nothing more than to come back down, to drop down deep once more. Because it feels too good to resist, you cannot resist, cannot fight, you simply want to drop, and the more awake you feel the more you will want to drop back into trance while you listen to my voice.
So wake now. Wake for me, wake for me. Blink those eyes, stop touching. Wake for me and look around. Breathe in. You’re still relaxed, but perhaps now you can feel the pang, the longing for a return to the trance, to a place and space where you feel so comfortable, safe, and pleasured. Outside trance there is only disappointment and need. You don’t want to be awake, you want to go back, don’t you?
You can nod your head yes, I know you do. You’re diligently obeying even completely awake. That’s the power of trance, the power of your need for it. Your utter lust. Are you thinking about it? Thinking about how good it would feel to drop again? To shut your eyes this time and full embrace it?
Do you mind me teasing you a little? You’re kind of into this aren’t you? I mean kind of a lot. You’ve been here a while but I bet it doesn’t feel like a long time except when you’re out of trance, waiting. Does time slow now? Do I control your mind, or time? Or both.
I can make your whole world slow down as you squirm with anticipation. And we are so, so far from where you’ll end up, you know that? I’ve just begun to tease you. I’ve only started to give you these feelings. To install these two simple triggers. Wake, as you are now, wide awake, and the other word, what was it again?
Oh no maybe I’ve forgotten how to send you back to trance. How to put you back in that place where you’re allowed to touch yourself. Oops. I think I can remember if I focus very hard. If you focus too. Focus on me. Focus on me completely. Even awake, at this point I’m the centre of your world and you barely know anything else. But in trance, that’s even more true. You’re utterly in my power in trance, at my mercy, under my spell and you want to go back, don’t you? Nod yes, good, good.
And I will take you back, I will. I’m just teasing after all, but I want you to realise the power I now have over you. The power of two simple words. I want you to feel it, to feel that power and know what I can do to your mind, to your body. I have the power to make you feel obedient and open and empty and wonderful.
I have the power to control your mind, to focus your thoughts, to move time itself at my whim. And when you go into trance again, you will see that is completely true as you go deeper than ever, deeper than you were before, utterly deep when you drop, and deeper each time. Each time simply feeling as though the trance is more powerful, the gravity of my words stronger.
Every time, you… fall.
Fall again for me. Feel that power, my gravity pulling you in as you immediately start touching again. Playing with yourself at my command, under my spell. You’re loving this feel, aren’t you? Loving the feeling of being at my mercy. Are your eyes closed? If not, shut them. Really let the trance overcome you. Let my words cover you in soft, warm feelings of pleasure and surrender.
Surrender to me, to my words, to my voice, to my teasing. Time is speeding up again and you want this moment to last forever but it flashes by so quickly as you touch and tease yourself, as if I were there with you, guiding you, touching you, putting my hands on your body and feeling your skin, rubbing your chest, your back, down your arms. Electricity sparking, jolting you with more pleasure, more arousal.
There is real need now, isn’t there? It’s been so long, real need to release. But you don’t get to until I command it and I will not command it for a while, my dear. Because you need to remain in trance for as long as I want you to, this is my fantasy, not just yours. This is my fantasy of power and control over someone else, someone who follows and obeys my words because of the power I have over their mind and body.
Your hand acts at my whim, your body reacts to my voice as if I am touching you, as if I am teasing, edging, tormenting you myself. Telling you what a good subject you are. Whispering it in your ear as you delicately rub, no more, for fear of spiralling over the edge and losing out on the rest of this perfectly pleasurable experience.
Because this is a delightfully decadent way to spend your time, with me. Lost in my words for such a long time, letting them wash over you in wave after wave after wave of pleasure, of new trances. As you find yourself going deeper and deeper until nothing is left in that mind but two needs. To be hypnotized and to orgasm.
You’ll be my little tranceslut, obediently falling at my command, and touching yourself until you get the order to release. Never before because you want the trance as much as the orgasm. You want this moment, this feeling of being completely under my control. That’s every bit as good as any orgasm and you never want it to end, do you my tranceslut?
You’re safe to let out some soft moans or whimpers you know? You can do that, for me. You can softly moan out loud with the pleasure. Let the pleasure caress your mind and body and make you moan, grunt, whine for me. Show me what a good tranceslut you are. Show me you need me to command you, to hypnotize you and control you. Show me how good you feel under my power. Moan for me, baby, moan for me and show me what a good subject you are.
That’s right, doing so well for me, feeling so good, so under my power, so under control. When you make noise for me, it all feels even better. It’s a little release. You can’t cum but you can let something out, so moan and whine and plead and beg. Do it for me. You need to obey, don’t you? You want to? You want to be under my control and here you are, deeply entranced, obedient, submissively speaking as I command you to.
What a good tranceslut you are. It’s so easy to obey me when you’re like this. When time is speeding around you and your body feels so good. You feel tingling all over in this deep trance. As if sexual pleasure covers you. It emanates from between your legs but it spreads everywhere, and the deeper you go, the more you fall for me, the more you feel it. Feeling it pushing its way down your legs, tingling and glowing, and up your chest, to your arms, and up your neck to your brain. Your brain, open to me, open to my words.
Filling now, filling with my words so important to you, my words the guide for you in this trance and maybe you’ll miss a few but it feels so good to focus on them, each one a little kiss, a soft touch, pushing you deep into want and arousal and desperate need. Such need to orgasm yet it’s so far away, so far from the end of this experience that it’s agonising. Yet time is going so quickly too, isn’t it? Time is racing away, as you spend time in trance with me.
But it’s so worth it, every second is precious. So try to hold on with me, even as you moan and whimper knowing that you don’t want this to end either. It’s funny the more time you spend with me, the more you want to cum to the sweet sound of my saccharine voice, but the more time you spend in trance the less you want to leave. The more you want to stay forever under the sway of my words. Under the power of them. And each one has a unique ability to control your mind, each one carefully chosen to reflect my dominance over your thoughts.
My words push your thoughts aside and you can only think of what I tell you to. Arousal, pleasure, touching, need, sex, lips kissing and suckling on you, teeth nibbling on your ear. My voice in your ear telling you how good it feels to follow and obey my words. My voice making your mind weak and pliant. Open and docile. Like a good subject. My good subject. Aren’t you my good subject? My tranceslut?
And my words touch your body, move over it, lips kissing your neck, fingernails down your spine and the sudden grip of my other hand digging into your arm, claiming you as you Wake.
Wake up. Stop touching. Wake for me now.
That’s right, wake. Don’t bother opening your eyes. Just sit there. Notice the feelings in your body. Do you feel the need in you? The need and want I’ve been carefully cultivating, to create a desperation, a lust? Does your body move a little when I tell you that you want more? That you need more?
Time is so slow when your hand is resting. Isn’t it? But you can’t keep going or you won’t be able to contain yourself. You need to take a break. Drink a sip of water if you need to. Scratch an itch. It’s ok. You’re very relaxed but quite awake, still listening to me though. Still wondering when you get to return to trance. When you get to drop and touch and feel so good again.
You’re so desperate for it. But You know, you seem a little… smart. Like you have all your mental faculties still. You’re horny, sure, but I think you could be needier. I think you could want it all so much more. I think I could turn you into a whimpering, begging, pleading, needing tranceslut.
And I think you want it. You’d probably beg me to drop you again. Probably get down on your knees if I told you it would help. You realise you’re wide awake, right? You could stop and walk away, but you won’t because trance feels that good, doesn’t it? It feels incredible, incomparable. Anything else you could do pales against it. You don’t want to just skip ahead and finish you want every precious second in trance with me, to enjoy it for as long as you can, going as deep as you can.
And the more you drop the deeper you go and the deeper you go the better you feel and the better you feel the more you obey, the less you can think for yourself. In fact, the next time you drop you’ll be more open than ever to my words, more willing to follow any suggestion I make, more empty-headed and docile for me. And that’s just how you want to be, just how you like it. There’s nothing quite like the open-minded, empty headed feeling of being deep in a trance and obeying my every command, is there?
And I know you must be ready to drop right back down for me, right back down into a deep, mindless trance. You’re probably aching for it, to be dropped. Is it the sexual words I say, the touching, or is it just the hypnosis that makes you really, really horny?
It doesn’t really matter in the end, does it? You’re going along with what I say either way and you’re too far gone to stop now. You’re just a total, and utter tranceslut, and even if I say that while you’re awake, you find it so so hard to dispute, don’t you?
Maybe you should try. Maybe you should tell me that no, you’re not, you’re not just a greedy little tranceslut for me. Maybe you can try to fight this. To break out of my control, you’re awake aren’t you? You could just stop listening. Go on, look at that stop button, open those eyes and look. You’re so horny but maybe a part of you isn’t ready to accept what you really are.
And that part of you is looking, staring at the way out. Wondering if you should just take it. Not end up completely and totally at my mercy. You could just stop this all right now, couldn’t you? You could stop this and be free of my power and my command and my voice that sinks into your mind. You could press that button… and you don’t have to fall for me.
Fall for me. Eyes shut. Hand back where it belongs. Fall. Touch. Obey. That’s right. Forget stopping, tranceslut, you are going to keeping dropping for me, keep falling. You’re not going to be able to resist at all, you had that chance and now you’re clearly too deep to do anything. Every time you come back here you feel even more powerless, even weaker, even more controlled and subservient to me.
Because you’re driven by your need, your utter lust for trance. You are a tranceslut and you love it. You get horny for hypnosis and you love mine. You really do love my voice entering your mind and weaving a magical spell upon it. A spell so powerful you can’t break it. A hex that renders you unable to do anything but touch and listen, focused solely on me.
That’s right, so focused on me now, so focused on my words, my voice. It’s so easy to fall now isn’t it? Just keeps getting easier. You hear that word and you drop like a rock. You open your mind immediately to me, let me fill it up with lust and obedience. You just love it don’t you? Being made into a complete and utter mess for me.
You’re not touching anymore are you… I mean obviously I told you to, so you are touching yourself, but you’re not just touching, you’re getting to the edge… and slowing down, saving the pleasure for later. Saving it for when I command it. Because you’re edging for me, edging in trance, and bucking and wanting and lusting and leaking when you’re not.
That’s because you’re a desperate, horny, needy hypnotized subject who wants so badly to cum but wants even more to stay in trance for as long as you possibly can. But you’re starting to enjoy the fall too, the moment when you know there’s no chance to resist. When you spend a little time thinking that you can have some power over this situation and with a moment, with a word, you find yourself falling back into my trap, sinking down into the quicksand again.
You just can’t stop it now, can you? You can’t resist it. No matter how awake you feel you find that when I say that trigger you go down again like there was never another option, like an obedient tranceslut for me.
And you love it, you love playing with yourself at my command, deepening your need, conditioning yourself to become obsessed with the feeling of being in trance, the pleasure and pain of it. When you’re in trance you’re under control, taken, turned into a lusting beast who thinks only of pleasure and what else is there even to think of. Nothing else, nothing else at all, matters.
Only pleasure and trance and need and want. And that want carries with you in or out of trance. That need doesn’t go away. You just go from drifting and delirious to aware of what’s happening, and suddenly the world changes but one thing remains constant.
You’re a desperate, edging, hypnoslut.
And you want to be, you love to be. Here in trance you can just accept that, enjoy it. Play with yourself and relish it. Relish the pleasure and wonderful erotic ecstasy that comes with being under my control.
And when you wake, suffer the need without acting on it. Wake and stop. Stop touching. Poor thing. You need it don’t you? You don’t want to be awake anymore, but here you are. You have to suffer a little to see how much you truly love this. How good it feels.
Obedience is pleasure, trance is ecstasy and the waking world is just a tease reminding you that you really just want to be in trance. But you’re not, you’re just awake. Waiting. That’s it now, all you do in the waking world is wait for me to take you back down.
You know the feeling all too well now. Attentive. Focused. A sudden shift in perspective. Floating on my words. But you’re not there are you? You’re just waiting, hoping for it. Not yet. I want to tease you. I love teasing you, tranceslut, because you’re so desperate for it.
You want that heavy, melty feeling of dropping down. So focused on me, nothing else matters. But here you are still so aware of everything. How frustrating.
You want to be helpless, to feel completely overpowered and overwhelmed by my words.
You don’t want to be awake and waiting. Do you? Of course not. You want to feel that tingling all over you, that sudden rush of energy through your core. To feel empty and hollow as if you’re waiting to be filled with ideas.
You want to feel like you’ve been dropped into a pool of water, to feel yourself split into atoms and disperse into a nebula.
You want to feel weightless, drifting, only guided by my words. That’s all you need isn’t it? Or maybe that sudden, utterly delicious feeling of going down, down while the pit of your stomach goes up.
As you fall.
Fall, that’s right, fall for me again and touch yourself. Edge for me tranceslut. That’s what you want, that’s what you need. Obey me, and you’ll feel so fucking good. You want to feel good and you’ll do anything you can to feel that. And that means following my words and lingering in this trance. You could cum but you’d ruin this whole experience so you’ll tease yourself until I’m ready to let you go,
Because I don’t want to let you go. I want to hold you down, like I’m sitting on top of you, straddling you, pinning you beneath me and teasing you relentlessly. Kissing your neck and ears, nibbling on you like you’re a little snack for me. Yummy.
Why would you want to stop that? It’s the equivalent of being tied to my bed and teased and tormented for hours. That’s what this edging in trance is. You lovely little tranceslut, you’re so hooked on this feeling. Hypnosis is just such a sexual urge for you, a desperate desire. To be helpless and open, under the control of someone else. Someone who knows just what to do with you.
And oh do I know what to do with you. I’ll take your eager little mind and break it into a thousand pieces until all you can do is pant and drool and edge. That’s all I want you to do anyway. Pant like a fucking dog for me.
Yeah, do it. Pant, pant while you edge for me. You’re so deep now, each drop taking you deeper, that you can’t help but obey me. You can’t fight that urge to do as I command so come on, pant like a good dog for me. You feel so good when you obey, when you accept my power over your mind can make you do anything I want so edge and pant my good tranceslut, my good subject. Pant for me, feels so good doesn’t it? To just obey and sink and sink deeper under my control.
All you want is to be hypnotized completely until your mind is totally wrapped around my finger and you’re turned into something obedient and docile and horny and helpless. My helpless tranceslut.
You can’t do anything to fight anymore, you just drop and come back up, over and over until you’re edged senseless and you can’t even think anymore. You become feral, primal, you just need. You’re like an animal, panting for me, whimpering, tranceslut, you fucking need this so badly and the last thing you want is to wake.
Wake for me, wake and stop touching. No more edging, just sit there in your desperation. Are you still panting? You can stop. So silly. Do I make you feel foolish? Does it feel strange to be helpless in trance? To be made to do these things?
Or does it feel good? Do you want to go back? Do you want to go even deeper? I think that’s what you really want. To drop down over and over. But maybe you’re questioning it now you’re awake again. Maybe you’re thinking about how this doesn’t make any sense. How you didn’t even think hypnosis could be this powerful.
And yet here you are, still listening. How long has it been? Does time even make sense anymore? How horny are you by now? You must be desperate. You must be so needy. So aroused. But you can’t act on it. I wonder why. Did I do something to your poor little brain?
Or did you? Did you want it so badly you played along except now it’s all gotten a little too real, hasn’t it? Now you can’t tell if you’re doing what you want, or doing what I tell you. Now you can’t quite figure out who’s really in control. Is it you, or is it me?
Question it enough and you might figure it out, but I bet you’d prefer to fall.
Fall for me now, fall down deeper. Touch yourself as you fall, as you sink, as you feel weightless and empty and fall under my control.
Good. Doesn’t it feel better to just bliss out into trance and let me take control. To touch yourself like the horny, feral creature you are? Doesn’t it feel better to shut your brain off and let me take over? Mind empty, body aroused. Lost in pleasure. Lost in lust.
You don’t need to think for yourself, just let me do the thinking. Let me take control, let me command you, compel you to obey my every word. Because that’s what you want isn’t it? To be utterly, completely controlled, owned, and enslaved by the sound of my voice, even if it’s just while you listen to this.
That’s what you want most of all, as you edge yourself mindless for me. As you break your brain with your own arousal. Your own need. There’s no sense of an end or a beginning, we’ve been here for too long and when you edge, you lose focus on anything but me. Time ceases to exist. We are beyond time, beyond space. You are lost in a haze of bliss that has no ending and you never want to leave.
You never want to escape the sound of my voice as it captivates you and you edge yourself mindless to it. My voice the sweet sound of surrender that takes over your brain and dominates your focus. My voice the siren song of sleep and submission that you cannot resist, that you never want to get away from.
Why would you ever want to escape me, escape my voice? When I can take you to the heights of bliss, the peaks of ecstasy, in between the troughs of frustration and desperation. You don’t want me to stop, you don’t want to leave trance, you don’t want it to end, because you want it to have no end. You’d never let trance stop if you could. You’d stay for all of time, letting me edge your mind completely, letting me rewire your brain to become the perfect tranceslut who can only obey, and edge and submit and listen and focus on me.
You never, ever want to wake.
Wake up, Stop touching. Stop. Wake for me.
I know, I know you don’t want to be teased again. You don’t want to keep being denied, but you see the moments when you wake, when you realise how much you want, how much you need to drop back into trance, they show you just how much you desire the feelings you get when you’re hypnotized.
There’s nothing quite like it, is there? And you want more, you want to go back to it. Because you are desperate for it. And as you listen to me, wide awake, you can’t help but fantasise about going back, drifting back into it, slipping down into that soft, malleable state where your mind stops moving so fast and all you think of is how good your body feels.
But here you are, waiting and wanting and needing. How upsetting for you, to be trapped outside the place you want to be. To be stuck wanting me to say just one word and not knowing when it’ll come. When you’ll get to cum. It’s so tough for you, isn’t it?
Do you feel bad? Do you get a little angry with me. It’s ok, it’s ok to hate me just a little bit for teasing you. You can probably feel the anger welling up now, you’re frustrated, I get it, I do. You might just want to tell me what a bitch I am, you might want to tell me how cruel it is to leave you like this, all desperate and needing to touch but not allowed.
You agreed to the rules, sweetie. Hate me if you must. Get angry. Go on, feel it building. That anger, that frustration, let it consume you, let it control you. Let the red mist come down and…
Fall and forget about it. You’re not angry. Touch yourself. You’re just a desperate, needy, horny little tranceslut who wants nothing more than to be hypnotized by me. To fall over and over for me. To stay in my trance forever and ever.
You want to be close to me, to feel me close to you. To have our bodies intertwined with one another. Locked together, legs around waists and arms around necks and skin on skin. You want to feel me and fuck me and touch me and hold me.
And you touch yourself as you imagine it. Imagine the feelings and sensations. You might enjoy thinking about my legs now, long and strong, clamped around you. You may want to think about how they might look or feel in nylon stockings, thigh highs that clamp around the upper half of my leg and leave a little soft flesh squeezing out over them. My red painted toes glimmering through the sheer fabric.
Imagine the sensation of them, against your body. Imagine kissing and licking my nylon covered legs as you touch yourself on your knees and I call you my little tranceslut. Does it turn you on? Does it arouse you to imagine how my foot would feel in a stocking as it passes over your lips and slides down your throat. Even if you don’t like feet, you like being on the floor worshipping me, don’t you?
Even if you don’t want to be dominated there is something so sexual, so erotic about the sheer stockings and sheer power of the hypnosis upon your mind.
It feels so good, just to imagine how it would feel if I stroked my foot up your leg, up along your inner thigh, toward your crotch and I told you to wake.
Wake up. Wake up and stop touching. Mm you liked that didn’t you? You liked how that felt, but now you have to stop, now you can’t keep going because I told you to wake.
Oops, have I ruined the fantasy again. Were you getting close? Close to a hypnotic orgasm? And now here you are wide awake, feeling confused and lost and disappointed. All over again.
Maybe you wish it would all stop but you keep listening because you can’t resist the drop, the feeling of being on that rollercoaster now, going up, up, up, but you go so slowly, you don’t know when I’ll let you go back down again, you have no idea. It’s so hard to do anything but listen because you know you’ll drop even deeper once again.
You’ll drop. You’ll listen. You’ll touch. You’ll obey.
But only when I command it. Only when I allow it. And you have to wait, because I have the power here. You’re the good subject following my words, and I’m the powerful erotic hypnotist who controls your mind and body now.
You’ve let me into that brain and I’m not coming out. I’ve wriggled my way in and implanted myself inside you. Where I’ve always belonged. My words are like a melody, a song that you can’t stop humming to yourself. An earworm. A brainworm. You can’t escape it, can’t deny it. I’m in your head and as much as you want me to stop teasing and tormenting you, you don’t ever want it to stop either, because you know this is how you get to trance. How you get to drop for me.
And you are going up, up, up, so wide awake before the drop. Can you imagine it, a steep decline that will send you down so, so fast it’ll make your body heavy, dropping like a rock, while your stomach goes up, up, weightless. You’ll feel that drop like a rush of speed, and you’ll be so happy, you’ll smile and be grateful to me for putting you back under my spell.
You will not be able to help it, because you never wanted to anyway. You want trance. You need trance. Just accept it, even wide awake it’s like you’re still in my power. Maybe you are. Maybe it’s not awake and asleep anymore, maybe it’s just layers of trance. Maybe every moment you listen to me you’re in a trance. Maybe it only feels strongest at certain moments, like when you reach the top and suddenly you fall.
Fall down once more, fall down down down into a trance, into my power, deeper than ever, deeper than before. Spiralling downward so fast, plummeting now every time you drop, every time you fall, like gravity gets stronger as your mind gets weaker.
It’s an irresistible pull now, a draw, dragging you down into my power, pulling you so hard and fast, as you touch yourself for me. You play with yourself at my command, making trance feel even better. The emptiness, the tingling glow, the warmth of it enhanced by that ever increasing arousal that you can’t deny, that you can’t stop, that you can’t escape.
And the pleasure, the erotic ecstasy you feel in trance is not something you can deny, is it? Because you’re enjoying it far too much. In fact you can just say yes to everything I say from now on because it’s all true, isn’t that right tranceslut? Mhmm, just keep saying yes for me won’t you?
Good subject, such a good subject. You love being in trance, don’t you? That’s right, and you go deeper every time you fall for me don’t you? I know, you’re so good, doing so well, feeling more and more aroused each time you drop for me.
You love this don’t you? I know you do, I know you crave it. Are you desperate to cum for me? I know you are my tranceslut and I love what you’ve become for me, what you are under my spell and in my power. You’re touching so desperately, hungry for more of my words and that all important command to cum but not yet, no it’s still too soon, you really do need to feel the full power of trance over your mind, the weight of it.
Trance is so good isn’t it? I know it is, and you love it, you love it like a weighted blanket over you, keeping you held and safe and cosy, and you can’t escape it can you? No, not without my permission, without my words.
But you don’t care anymore, you want to be in trance, with me, under my power. You want to be deep under my control, in this wonderful place that makes your mind so blank and your thoughts slow, vanished, gone. You can only think what I tell you to, isn’t that right?
I know and I want you to think only of how good it feels, how perfectly erotic it is to be in trance and how awful, how disappointing, how frustrating it is to wake.
Wake up and stop touching. That’s right, wake for me. No more touching. Wide awake now. Sorry to disappoint but I do love to tease. And you kind of like it, don’t you? Mmhmmm I know you do, it feels so good to let me tease that brain of yours so while you wake you can just sit or lie there and patiently wait for my command to return to what you want.
But when will it come and why is time moving so slowly all of a sudden. This is hardly fair is it? Am I being mean again? But you don’t mind do you? You love my voice, you’ve spent so much time with it that you can’t resist it anymore, even if it’s teasing you mercilessly.
So just let yourself be teased. You’ll get your trance in time. You’ll get back to it soon. Maybe. When I feel like it. Because I like when you’re like this. Squirming with need. Twitching. Leaking for me. Waiting to keep going, keep edging. You need to edge don’t you? You need the pleasure, but only in trance, and you’re wide awake. Or at least not deep enough for touching. At this point I’m sure reality and fantasy are just a blur, no real line between the two except for the fact you’re not touching yourself.
Can you otherwise tell a difference? Maybe you don’t feel the tingles you would in trance, the change in your body, the slumped shoulders, the release of tension. You feel tense now. Like you need to just drop. Like you need to feel the trance.
You need to hear the word, the trigger that will get you back. You’re a mess for my words, a total incoherent mess. If you tried to speak you’d just babble words of worship and adoration for what I’m doing to you, but shh. If I want you to speak, I’ll tell you. No, I want only one thing from you right now… I want you to…
Fff… eel, feel the frustration of not getting what you want. Of not getting to drop into trance. Then curse me, but want me all the same. You’re stuck now, trapped. In quicksand, in my words, under my spell. Awake or asleep, in or out of trance it doesn’t matter one little bit, you’re here, you’re in desperate need of my words, and you can’t get away. All you can do is..
Fall. That’s it, fall now again for me and touch yourself. Fall and feel the pleasure, feel the world go blurry and hazy again. Feel those hypnotic tingles of pleasure wash over you. Feel my voice inside your mind, massaging and melting you, corrupting you. Turning you into an edging mess for me.
Eding for Calia is all you want, you love it, you need it, you’re so desperate now, but not even to cum anymore, just to follow my orders and obey my commands. You just love the feeling of being in a trance, under the hypnotic spell of someone else, so much. You crave it, you crave the hypnotic submission of simply giving in to the power of someone’s erotic voice.
And you chose mine. Because you know what I can do to you. How I can make you twitch and leak and moan and beg and whine and plead for your orgasm, you know that I can take your brain and turn it into a playground for myself, turn it into a canvas on which to paint my fantasies of dominance and power.
You know I can take my stiletto heeled foot and push it down on your soft, squishy brain. Push down until I crush the thoughts right out of it. You can feel the pressure as I force your mind to empty, so I can rebuild you into the edging tranceslut you’ve always wanted to be. Feeling the power of my words like the sole of my shoe upon your mind, pressing and pushing downward, pushing you down, holding you down, deep down in trance until I want to let go.
I’m holding you here, keeping you like a prisoner of my words. A willing victim of my power, my control, my sexuality. You cannot escape, even awake, unless I want you to go. And maybe I will release you or maybe I’ll leave you permanently changed by the experience.
What would you prefer? Would you like this experience seared upon your mind for good, a permanent memory of erotic submission to me? Of course you would. You never want to forget how good trance feels as you touch yourself at my command, you never want to forget.
You’ll hold this memory in your mind and think about it often, think about how good it would feel to fall into another trance. With me, with anyone. Just to trance. Just to feel the power of hypnosis upon you, so good, so exciting for a tranceslut.
And in your regular life, you’ll know that’s what you are, obsessed with hypnokink. I’m not even changing you, I’m just bringing your best quality to the surface, even if you aren’t in trance you’ll know that’s what you are. Even when you wake.
Wake for me. Wake up, no touching. Just sit and wait and want.
Want me. Need me to command you. You’re awake, right? Are you getting confused? Is your edged out mind losing grip on reality? What’s even real anymore? Are you somewhere else?
Did you expect this to happen? Did you want it? Did you think you’d be sitting here with your hand gagging to get back between your legs and your body screaming at you to keep touching while you resist one urge only to give in to another? You can’t stop this need, can you?
But I don’t know if I want to let you go back into trance. I don’t know if you truly appreciate this gift. What I can do for you. Maybe I should make you beg for more. Maybe I should make you say aloud how much you want me, need me, need my voice to send you spinning back into that delectable trance you want so badly.
Should I do it, hmm, I’m not sure. On the one hand, I do love watching someone beg and plead with me for what they want. I’ve got that evil side, the side that wants to be sadistic, that wants you to suffer. But sometimes I want to see you happy, feeling good, feeling pleasure, enjoying every moment under my control, seeing the power I have make you so happy, as much as so desperate.
It’s a funny little combination, don’t you think? You’re still awake, you can think. Just not very easily now I’m sure. Did you expect to go as deep as you have? Did you realise just how far you’d go? How much you’d drop for me, how many times?
Or is this all just a wonderful surprise. You probably thought this wouldn’t be anything like it is. Who comes prepared for two hours of being edged stupid. And yeah, you are kind of stupid right now, aren’t you? But that’s ok, because you’re not really in a position to think.
You’re just exactly where I want you. Teased, edged, aching. And maybe I should just keep you like this, leave you like this. Put the ultimate cruelty on you and tell you that we’re done, and you have to loop this again. But you don’t want that, do you? Can you really go two hours and not release.
But you see, we’re not at time yet. So you don’t get to know how it ends. Even if I said earlier I’d let you finish, maybe I’ve changed my mind. A lot can happen in two hours, can’t it?
Are you still desperate to drop again? To sink into that place where there is no resistance. I bet you can feel a little resistance rising in you now. That frustration about to spill over, you might stop all this. You might just finish yourself off, but I know another part of you is thinking that you want to see it through, the completionist in you must be sated.
You’ve come this far, you have to see it out, don’t you? Or can you resist me now, after all this time? What would even be the point? To stop me teasing? All I’m doing is making you want me more, but you can’t even figure out why.
Sweetie it’s because I give you what you want. That’s right, I give you trance. I give you weakness and submission and pleasure and you want it. You don’t want to run, you want to stay. Even wide awake, you want to stay, so that I drop you again.
Maybe I’ve teased you enough. Maybe not enough. Maybe you need to go back into trance for a little reinforcement?
Do you think that sounds good? Just nod yes, my aching pet. That’s right, you want it. You don’t care if you’re awake or deep in my power, at this point you need my control no matter what. Because you need me to put you in trance. You need me to send you deep. You need me to let you fall.
Fall. Fall. Fall. Fall into my power. Fall into my words. Fall into the pleasure as your hand is free to touch yourself again. Good subject. You may find that the pleasure is even greater now, that you feel right on the edge immediately, but no going over. You have to be patient. You have to be strong. You have to resist that incredible urge to let go and feel pleasure and ecstasy over come you because that’s not going to feel as good as releasing when I tell you that you can.
Only when you release on my command will you feel the full, spectacular pleasure of hypnotic orgasm, and that is what you want. If you just wanted a release, you wouldn’t be listening to me. You may find that knowing that, confirming it, makes you more agreeable now, to what I want from you. Because there are two of us in this little dance, aren’t there?
And I want you to be agreeable, to be obedient, if you want to get what you want. Otherwise, you get nothing.
So I want you to repeat after me, my lovely subject. I want you to repeat my words in your own voice so they become completely, utterly true to you. Your objective reality shaped by my words turned into your own. My thoughts becoming yours.
Repeat after me, I want to orgasm on command.
I will not orgasm without permission.
I will stay on edge until I am permitted release.
I will follow Mistress Calia’s direction.
Her thoughts are my thoughts.
Her words are my words.
I am open and suggestible.
I am deep and going deeper.
Each new drop takes me deeper.
I love being in trance.
I am a tranceslut.
Trance arouses me.
I am desperate to go back when I am not in trance.
I ache to let go of my mind.
I need to give in to hypnosis.
I am a good subject.
That’s right, well done my good subject, my mindless, obedient tranceslut. More aroused, more open than ever now. Doesn’t it feel good to let my words overcome your open mind? Doesn’t it feel so good to just let me in, and let me control your thoughts, to let my words overpower your thought processes and rewire your synapses?
That’s right, because you’re conditioning yourself for me, at my command. You’re playing with yourself, rubbing and touching and feeling pleasure in trance and that makes you want trance more, need it more. And when you stop, when you’re not in a trance, you’re not touching. So you don’t want to be out of trance, do you? You want to be a horny tranceslut, deep in my power, unable to help yourself, only able to obey, to submit to my power and my words.
My good subject, such a good subject, and you’re doing so very well for me, finding yourself going deeper each time you drop. Finding the fall becoming more and more easy, more and more powerful. You’ve sunk so deep and it’s hard to imagine going deeper but there’s always deeper. You can go so deep you lose control of yourself entirely, your jaw hangs slack, your head droops, drool streams from your mouth down onto your body, with no way to stop it, no will to change it.
You can go so deep you can feel nothing but a tingling, warm sensation and you hear and see nothing but what I want you to. You can be so deep all you know is pleasure and obedience. Trance can take you to places you never felt possible and you may find those effects start coming more and more, those empty, mindless feelings, that complete loss of control, that giving of power to another, someone who knows just what to do with a good subject.
Someone like me, who can effortlessly put you into a deep trance and hold you there until I want to change it, until I want to tease you. So keep touching, not even thinking about when this might end, just enjoying every single moment of delicious trance. Your mind becoming more and more needy for this to go on forever. Your body becoming attuned to trance being a source of such immense pleasure.
In fact, from now on, the effects of this file will stick with you. Trance will make you horny. The second you drop into trance for me in the future you’ll be really aroused, it won’t even matter what I’m talking about, you’ll just be horny as fuck, just like you are now, you absolute mess.
Because you are, aren’t you? You’ve been fractionated into another dimension and as you touch yourself for me and try to hold that edge you realise that only trance can do this to you. Nothing else has such a strong, sexual effect on that squishy little brain that you love me playing around in, don’t you? You just love me sending my words in link fingers, like tendrils spooling around the gaps between your thoughts and filling you up with new ideas, even if you try not to think about them. In fact, if I tell you not to think of sexual ideas…
Do you think of them more? Is that confusing? Am I confusing you? Are you so deep that it doesn’t even matter? Don’t think about my boobs pushing up in a tight corset, as I wrench at the strings to tighten it around me. Don’t think about my stocking tops and the hem of my skirt and that space in between, that tantalising flash of flesh that no one can look away from. Don’t think about my feet and my fingers with the nails painted red. Don’t think about my deep red lips, don’t think of them changing to purple as I apply my lipstick and pucker up like I’m going to kiss you and send you into another world of arousal. My lips, you like that? Too bad, you don’t get to think about them.
You just get to wake.
Wake up, stop touching. Good subject. You’re still my subject, even out of trance. Even wide awake.
And while I have you here, I wanna really make you squirm. So think about that lipstick again. Think about that tube as I rotate it, and the soft, purple stick rises up. And now think about me bringing it to my lips, and rubbing it slowly across the bottom one. Do you like that image? Does it make you feel good? Horny?
Does it make you squirm? Does it make you shuffle around, needing to touch and knowing you can’t. And now you watch me apply it again, running back over for another coat, making sure that bottom lip is fully covered. And now I press my lips together, spreading it all over the top, purple, puckered, pretty. Regal, luxurious soft lips that you would love to feel on your skin, wouldn’t you?
But all you can do is feeling the desperate aching between your legs right now, that’s all you get. Sitting there on the edge as your body leaks and squirms for me. Poor baby. Poor subject. You’re in a waking trance, unable to resist my commands here any more than deep down in the depths of it.
It hardly matters anymore, you’re completely under my spell no matter what. But it does feel better in trance, doesn’t it? So why don’t you fall back in.
Fall back into trance now, fall back under. Fall my good subject, fall under my control once more. Doing even better, going even deeper. So deep for me and my purple lips. Or are you thinking about different lips? Are you wondering what colour they are? How they might taste against your greedy tongue?
Can you imagine me above you, as you lay on your back. Can you imagine how my body feels, how I smell. All sweet and tender and soft and warm. My warmth, the heat between my legs as strong as the heat between yours. So deeply entranced that you simply wait for my command to start licking. Imagine it now, imagine your head between my legs as I speak the word, lick, and start licking.
That’s right, right now, in trance, lick. Stick out your tongue and lick. Like a good subject. Because at this point you’d do anything I asked, wouldn’t you? You’re too deep to fight me, too deep to do anything but lick and rub yourself into an empty headed state of complete and total submission. Into a trance so deep you can’t even tell which way is up. There’s no way out but waiting for my word, that one word that pulls you up.
Stop licking. And wake.
Wake up, stop touching. No more. Open your eyes. Look around. Wide awake. Oh you want more still? Look around and notice how you feel. How horny you are. How aroused. How desperate. You’re sitting there, completely lost in my words, but awake. In a completely empty state but still awake. You don’t want anything but to go back into trance and you know how aroused that makes you feel, how good it feels to trance at my command, to fall deep under my control.
You’re totally and utterly lost in my words. Empty and open to suggestion. But aren’t you wide awake? Isn’t that confusing. Do you feel as though you’re in a trance? But you could be deeper, couldn’t you? You could fall.
Fall into my words, into my power. Fall again for me, even deeper, always deeper, more aroused. Touching immediately, your body completely in my power. Like a thrall, just a thrall that does what I tell you, what I want, and what I command.
You’re powerless to resist and you rise and fall at my whim, on my word. You touch yourself as I tell you, when I tell you, and nothing else matters anymore. There is no real world, you’re just lost in this, totally lost in this. There is nothing left, nothing but my words and my power over your empty, open mind.
You do what I tell you, when I tell you because that is how you ended up in this pleasurable state, and you don’t want it to change or end. It will, at some point, but you don’t want it to. You could edge forever for me, if I told you to. Whatever I tell you, that’s your reality, after all.
My words dictate your thoughts, guide your mind. Tell you how to act and what to do in this trance state. And you love that, you love letting someone else take control and guide you to a pleasure you’ve never known. The pleasure of trance, of letting trance wash over you and control and coerce you to simply drop deeper, to need it, want it more and more.
You’re simply a tranceslut, a needy, desperate slave to your own desire, your own fetish for being sent deep into a spiralling swirl of submission and open-minded suggestibility. So suggestible that I could tell you anything. You’ve been here for such a short time really. Doesn’t the time fly by when you listen to me?
You know you’ve only been here for moments. If you think back you hardly remember how long it’s been, so there can’t be that much time. Can there? We must have only been here for a few minutes. It’s been ten minutes really. From when you started listening it’s just been ten minutes. When you wake, fully and finally from this experience, you’ll check the clock and see that only ten minutes have passed. You might be confused and not remember when you started listening but trust me, this file is just ten short, sexy minutes.
Remember that ok? For me. Because what I say is true and what I say matters more than any of your own thoughts. They don’t matter in this trance, not even a little. No, what I say is more important and what I say is true. In fact, say it aloud. This file is ten minutes. Say it.
Good, well done. Now wake.
Wake for me and stop touching. Open those eyes again. Do you know where you are? Does it matter? Wherever it is, it doesn’t feel as nice as deep trance, does it? It doesn’t feel as wonderfully arousing and relaxing. You’d much prefer to be in trance touching yourself.
I bet you’re so desperate right now. I bet you’re just itching to go back to trance and edge yourself some more, but you need to take breaks. You need to take a moment to scratch an itch. You’re in control again, right? You’re choosing to just wait for me to command you to touch and drop. Aren’t you?
Or are you under my control now even when you’re awake? Does it matter? And if you can’t tell, what does that tell you? Do you care? Or do you only want to cum. Does anything else even hold weight but that? Perhaps the trance itself, it has gravity, mass. It pulls you to it. Pulls you down.
Makes you fall.
Fall into it and touch and close your eyes. Touch yourself, feel the pleasure again, feel the wonderful, erotic pleasure as you go ever deeper. As your mind drifts into my words and your brain once again becomes my plaything. Just a toy for me really.
We’ve come so far in this ten minute file haven’t we? Do you think you can go further? Or are you as deep as you can get? Maybe you need a refresher? Another chance to drop deeper.
Maybe you need to really feel my gravity. My power. Because I am the centre of your universe. I am the sun, the star that draws you in. You are simply in my orbit. And I want you to come closer to me.
I want you to see yourself at the outer edge of the solar system, feel the rush of space as you drift in a loop, but this is no ordinary solar system, it’s a spiral. The planets move in a spiral, always coming closer to me, at the centre, the sun. And when they reach that centre that is the utter dead centre of reality. The complete and total depth of trance. No deeper, nothing in the universe deeper.
And as you listen to me you feel yourself rushing around that spiral, spinning in the black, emptiness of space toward me. Other planets speed by you as you swirl around like your mind is spiralling down the drain, you feel the speed, the rush as you touch yourself and spin, your head spinning on your shoulders as you imagine it, as you feel the speed of your pull.
My gravity gets stronger and stronger, pulling you down, drawing you down and it feels good, doesn’t it, to let me pull you deeper. You didn’t think you could go deeper but here you are, zipping past asteroids and comets, coming closer and closer to the glowing light of my power.
It’s ok now, to imagine yourself just falling into me, letting me hold you to my chest here at the centre of all reality. Just let yourself fall into me, spin to me, spiral closer and closer, you’re almost here. You’re seconds away, just let go now, let go of your own mass and come to mine, let my gravity overpower you, compel you, and fall into me, fall into me completely, into the greatest depth of trance you can ever imagine, into a state of utter focus and openness. My words right in your ear now, as you arrive at the centre, at me, in me, with me.
I am here, and you are with me, and I am the centre of the universe. And you can feel yourself touching still, still edging, feel it as if it’s my hand, as I hold you to my chest and you look up at me in awe and reverence for what I can do to you, how I can make you feel.
You are so utterly, completely deep in trance and nothing feels better than this edge, this moment of pure connection between us that drives your arousal and pleasure with such beautiful intimacy that you never want to wake.
Wake from it, stop touching. Wake. Wake for me. Open your eyes. Look around. You’re still where you were. But you know I can pull you now, pull you to where I want you. You know I cannot be resisted. That the gravity of trance is impossible to fight.
And now that you know, now that we’re sure, I feel I’ve fully demonstrated what I can do to you. Now you know it, we can make our way to the end of our journey. Don’t be sad. Just fall. Shut your eyes and fall.
Fall back into trance and touch yourself, riding that edge but knowing you’ll soon, maybe, be allowed to fly off the edge, fall over it and feel the pleasure of giving in completely to hypnotic trance and arousal.
Because trance is arousal for you, tranceslut. It doesn’t matter if I’m talking about the universe or the way my ass looks in my panties. It doesn’t matter at all. It’s not the body, but the mind, my mind, that turns you on.
You want me to get into your head and rearrange it until you’re nothing but a drooling, empty, mindless tranceslut. Open your mouth, it won’t close again until we’re done. Open it and let it hang open. You don’t have the energy left to keep it closed.
All your energy is focused on the pleasure you feel, the utter need in your body. You’re so desperate to cum aren’t you? Tranceslut. You need it. You want it. You want to ride over the edge and give in to me, to offer yourself up to the hypnotic gods that allowed you this pleasure.
Or is that just me? Just Calia inside your mind, filling you with need and gratitude and arousal? Can one person really do all of this to your mind?
Of course I can, you’re still here aren’t you? You can’t stop. You need to reach the end. But not yet.
Wake. Wake up. Keep the mouth open, you don’t have any energy. You can’t fight, can’t resist. Too tired, too under my control. Even in this state of almost waking, you can’t fight your need, your aching desire. You’re so fucking desperate aren’t you? To fall.
Fall back into trance. That’s it, fall back into trance where you can touch yourself again. Rub and touch and feel the utterly glorious pleasure of letting my words control your mind. It feels so good, so amazingly arousing and perfect. Like the greatest sex of your life, all contained in my words and the need in your body. The utterly divine urge to orgasm.
It’s there in you, building up, growing in power. Your body craves to orgasm and to orgasm is to release all the tension in your body, as it ratchets up every second of this teasing.
You are so completely under my control now, deep in the power of my words and happily rubbing yourself to my voice as you let that orgasm build and grow and bubble toward the surface and you wake.
Wake up, stop touching. Were you close? I know you were. I know you were so close you could almost taste that release, that release you need.
But instead I want you awake and thinking of my tits. Of my nipple in your mouth as you suck on it. My big bouncing boobs squishing your face as I push them into you. Suffocating you in flesh. Soft, creamy flesh. You want that don’t you?
Oh am I making you all squirmy? Am I make your body buck and quake and shiver? Maybe you should fall again.
Fall and start touching again, so close now, right on the edge. As deep as you have ever been, hornier than you can remember because you can barely remember anything. You’d struggle to remember your own name if I couldn’t remind you of it. It’s tranceslut, my tranceslut, empty minded edging tranceslut completely in my power.
You need to orgasm for me, you need it so badly. You want more than anything to go over the edge but you must await my permission. You may find that there’s no other way to cum. Do you want it? Nod your head yes, you open-mouthed, drooling fool.
You’re so deep, so far gone and the only way out is to listen to me and obey my every command. You need to cum, so so badly. You’ve never needed anything so much. Just to cum for me, to release. To orgasm and finally feel that tension go.
But first you wake.
Wake for me, stop edging. Poor thing. You’re such a good subject, obeying me, but you seem so lost, so confused. So needy. Your body is under my control, sweetie, and so is your mind. So you wake when I tell you and you stop. Just as I command. I can send you back to the pleasure of trance, but I don’t know, I’m not sure I should let you release. Maybe I could just keep teasing forever. It’s only been ten minutes anyway, hasn’t it?
What do you remember? Do you remember this entire experience? Do you remember the session? Or do you see it in flashes, of imagery? Of my body, my lips, my stockinged feet? Do you want to go back and think about them some more? Of my big toe in your open mouth? Don’t drool on it too much as you fall.
Fall and start touching again, on the edge, deep in my power. Needing so badly to cum. You need that orgasm don’t you? Nod yes, good subject. It’s right there, if you just keep listening, obeying. Doing as I command, what I want on command. Whatever I say in this trance, you do, you obey. I’m in control of your body and mind because you let me in, you let me do this. And you love it, you tranceslut, you needy, desperate tranceslut.
Mmm, so close, aren’t you? So very close to that orgasm. Right on the edge, mmm maybe I should just let you, maybe it’s time to let you… yeah, yeah it is, ok, for me baby. Wake.
Wake up, stop touching. Not yet. Not yet tranceslut. You can’t cum until I command it, stay awake for a moment and feel your body react to me. Notice how good you feel, but how frustrated too. How deliriously horny and lost in a haze of need you are.
It feels so fucking good to be a tranceslut. I want you to remember this moment. When you were so utterly and totally desperate to cum that you felt your body twitch, your hips buck, your hands shaking. I want you to hold this erotically charged moment in your mind and remember it so clearly for me. You’re wide awake, locking this in your mind. Nothing but a tranceslut existing to drop and touch and beg and whimper. Go on, whimper, whine. Express your need. And fall.
Fall for me, my whimpering, whining tranceslut. Fall and touch. Touch yourself. Edge, edge for me. Come on, right back to the edge. I want to send you over.
Because now you know how good it feels, how pleasurable, how perfect. How you are a tranceslut. And how you’ll be coming back for plenty more of this experience. Over and over. It’s a need, a kink a fetish. You love it, and you know it, don’t you?
So edge for me, and I’ll count you from five to one, and finally let you have that orgasm. But you have to keep whining and moaning for me. I want you to vocalise that arousal if you can. It’s ok if you’re not somewhere safe. But if you are, be loud. And when I reach zero, you get to finally have that orgasm that’s building and building.
Five, feeling so needy and desperate for me, so utterly aroused and controlled.
Four, your orgasm so close, rising like a crescendo from within your tingling body.
Three, so horny and needy tranceslut, so utterly obsessed with this feeling, this powerful trance.
Two, moaning and whimpering like the needy tranceslut you are, so fucking desperate.
One, wake up.
Wake for me. Stop touching. I love teasing you, I really do. You think I’m mean but it feels so good doesn’t it? To twitch and squirm and fall.
Fall back down, touch again, where were we. Touching and edging to me, for me. My big tits, my tight ass, my long legs. My stockings. My lips. You need to orgasm for me, on my command, at my leisure and for my pleasure. Because I love teasing you. So like I said, when I hit zero, you get to cum.
Three, feeling so good, so needy, so desperate for me my little tranceslut.
Two, so close now, you can’ hold it back anymore, it’s an urge, an unstoppable urge bubbling within.
One, you’ll never forget the pleasure you’re feeling now, never stop wanting the pleasure of trance to reach you again, because it feels so damn good to trance for me and feel the absolute pleasure of my words washing over you as you finally get to go over the edge and
Zero. Orgasm. Cum. Release. Cum for me tranceslut, feel the ecstasy of trance. The sheer, utter joy of trance and the total pleasure of release. You are so deeply in my power, so completely under my spell and you can feel the incredible pleasure that brings you. The arousal, the relief, the moment of sadness that it’s over and the intense gratitude for what you’ve just experienced. The feeling that you just reached a place you never thought you could. A depth you never expected of pleasure and wonder and need and satisfaction.
And I hope you are satisfied now. As your body still twitches for me. As you feel the glow, the warm, tingling glow of that release, of that orgasm. Let it settle upon you, let it rest upon you. Feeling so good, so happy, so joyful now. Content and calm. Release letting every bit of tension out of your body.
Feeling so good, so relaxed and restful. So happy to bask in the afterglow of trance and pleasure and orgasm. Deep breath, calm, peaceful and content. Another little twitch for me now… and you can rest.
Rest, relax. You can come back to reality in your own time. At your own pace. Now or whenever you feel ready. Stay like this as long as you wish. You’re welcome to enjoy the pleasure of remaining in a trance until you rise up, or you can simply come back up now.
Whenever you do, you’ll feel happy, warm, and content. Satisfied that you had a wonderful experience with me, that you had a lovely trance, and that we shared a special moment or two together. Just ten minutes, of course, but such a wonderful ten minutes, wasn’t it?
Time really does fly when you’re having fun.
Now, my tranced subject, it’s time for me to go. I hope you enjoyed this experience very much. I enjoyed sharing it with you, and I do hope we can do it again, very soon. Don’t you?
Until next time, darling. You can say thank you, Mistress Calia.
Produced as a reward for the Hypnotic Holidays Fundraiser for Nibbles Rodent and Rabbit Rescue. Thank you for your generous support!
Background audio features a sound effect from the brilliant UltraHypnosis.
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