Femdom Obsession

A series designed to make you completely obsessed with submitting to dominant women. These files will condition you to be submissive, obedient, and docile around women who you trust to dominate you.

This series is built around an increasing number of triggers, reinforced in each file and introduced as the series moves forward, for a cumulative effect that works best when listened to regularly. This playlist collects the series in order for easy listening.

For your safety, file three includes a suggestion that these triggers only work with me, or a dominant you trust to use them. They are not open triggers and not intended to be used maliciously, only with a person you feel can use them responsibly.

Trigger List:

  • Subspace – Fall into trance instantly.
  • Good sub – Feelings of happiness and pleasure.
  • Work for me – TBD
  • Rush – Instant jolt of arousal.
  • Go blank – TBD
  • You love to obey – Urge to follow next command.
  • Automatically – TBD
  • Time to Obey – TBD
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