A huge thank you to everyone who took part in CaliaCorp for the second time! I had a lot of fun seeing the memes, the manips, the videos, the games, everything that people made. This is just a small selection of that work, you can see more over on Twitter!
Bear in mind this page may be slow to load, as it has a lot of embedded media.
First of all, the Calia Matching Game – a wonderful creation that’s fully playable, just download it!
Now, some of the fabulous videos made by the team!
And not forgetting the amazing image manips and art.
The memes were fantastic.
And there were audio remixes too!
I am in awe of the creativity and effort people put into CaliaCorp 2, thank you to the lovely hypnokink community for these incredible creations, and your support!
Let’s do it all again next year, ok?