Anatomy of an Erotic Hypnosis Script

Hi, I’m Mistress Calia, and if you know me, you know I write all of my erotic hypnosis scripts. If you don’t know me, welcome to my site. You’ll find tons of erotic hypnosis audio here, all written, recorded, and edited by me!

Mistress Calia Erotic Hypnotist

I love the process of writing, of taking a concept and building it from a loose skeleton to a structured shape, with detail and narrative. I’ve even written some multi-part file series that take a narrative approach, one actually using a traditional three act structure to reach its conclusion.

One series, Vote Calia, was less structured overall and more a series of snapshots to the tale of a hypnotist vying for election, laying out a manifesto of pleasure and building to the ending, in which the listener becomes her drone, one of many ready and willing to let her lead the free world.

I believe the finale of that series is one of my best ever scripts, and that’s what I’ll use as an example here, breaking down my process and how I reached that specific result.

It started with the series idea – but don’t get hung up on the hypnosis file series thing, this file is quite comfortable as a standalone piece. What does matter though, is that it uses previously established triggers. In this case, the first file in the series uses the trigger ‘vote’ to elicit a pleasurable response.

In fact, whenever you hear me say that word, vote, you will feel a warm glow growing within you, a warm, wonderful feeling of safety, security and intimacy. When I say vote you will feel the most sweet and satisfying warmth coursing through your body and you will know that I gave that to you, and all I ask in return is that you choose me.

This passage in the first file of the series built the trigger, and the subsequent files reinforced it. The final part, The Final Debate, makes use of the trigger but goes into much more detail. In fact, it’s a complete induction and trance of its own and even not knowing the trigger, I believe would remain effective. The trigger is almost an Easter egg for previous listeners, a little added value.

Erotic Hypnosis Script Writing

So now we’re done with the preamble, here’s how I like to begin any erotic hypnosis script. Directly. Some writers prefer an introduction that establishes the parameters of the hypnosis, of the induction and effects. I occasionally will do that, but I prefer to start right into the story, particularly with roleplay. Wasting time talking about things that are already outlined in the description means less time to actually enjoy listening.

The introduction will generally be story-focused, or just talk if there’s no roleplay. It’ll slip in hypnotic language, but it’s not an induction. Think of it as a mood-setter. A chance to get the listener relaxed and focused, but not directing them toward trance. It’s a good time to remind them to be comfortable and to close their eyes if they need to.

My fellow citizens, we have reached a crucial juncture. A moment in time. An important, dare I say epoch defining part of our shared story.

And I ask now that you listen to me, as you prepare to go to the polls. As you ready yourself to vote in what will be a pivotal election. Because I want you to understand what you’re voting for, what you’re fighting for. And what you’re fighting against.

That’s why I’m here to show my political opponents that there is no other choice, no logical decision other than to vote Calia!

They believe you, the people, can be swayed by appealing to your fears, your prejudice, your insecurities, but I think so much more of you than that. You’re so much better than that, too good, too smart to fall for petty tricks that others think will work. No amount of celebrity endorsements or business supporters will change that.

No, you’re more than that because you can think of a better world. You can think of a world where you used your vote for good. For something not just you want, but that everyone wants. And I am here to give you that world, to give everyone that world. All it takes is one simple action, one simple vote.

But you know, not everyone is convinced yet. And I need everyone on board, I need every single person who is of voting age to register and give me the victory, to give me that vote because I can give you more.

The other candidates want to take from you but I only want to give. I want to give you happiness, purpose, pleasure, bliss. I offer a better world, a utopia, heaven on earth if you only take my hand and follow me into the future. Are you ready?

Let me explain how the world really works, forget what my political rivals have told you to score points in this petty contest because we are above all of that. Every day you go out and work to line the pockets of the greedy, to help a political system built for the wealthy.

But there is a better way, there are better things to work for, to live for. Not money, not things, no. For lust and love and happiness and intimacy. Closeness. You know my agenda, you know what I believe in. You know I just want all your needs fulfilled.

This script spends it’s first 10 percent on preamble. There’s definitely a hint of hypnotic wording, but it hasn’t really started, not yet. The idea here is to prime the listener to that language and smoothly transition to an induction. That’s going to take much longer, so this gives the listener the idea of what they might experience. ‘I want your needs fulfilled.’ ‘Happiness, pleasure bliss’.

The introduction teases the later payoff. It’s Luke getting a lightsaber, teasing us that later he’ll be fighting with it, but there’s a lot that needs to happen before then so it’s important to remind your listener that yes, we’ll get to the good stuff!

How to write erotic hypnosis

It’s rather clearly established in the example script that I, as the narrator, want to give the listener what they want, and I think also clear that I will be defining that want to some degree. The scene is set, bliss and pleasure are promised – if only you’ll listen. And now, for the induction, where listening is a prerequisite. In terms of storytelling, that introduction sets the stakes. Listen close and you get to feel good. It’s pretty basic, but so is every Hollywood movie, after all.

So, to the induction. Here the goal is to actually bring the listener into trance, and that can be done in one long induction, with a single focus and idea, or in this case, in stages.

So listen to me now, all of you. I know everyone is watching this. I know this is being broadcast the world over. I know everyone is listening. So listen carefully, listen closely. This is crucial. This is the most important moment, the most important thing in the world right now.

I don’t need you to do anything but listen. In fact, close your eyes. Just focus on the words I say. Nothing else matters. Nothing else is important. Only what I say. There are always so many voices in this world, so many distractions, but you can tune them out. Like they were other channels on the TV. Tune them out.

You might think about what others have to say, forget it. You might think about how things look. Tune it out. Tune it all out. Imagine it now, turning the dial on your television, like some old, ancient set from the fabled past these feeble political types claim was somehow better, when they should be looking to the future. Our future.

Turn the dial, turn it past all the noise, the static, the incessant buzz of life and political talk and media spin. Tune it out and focus it, turn it until instead of that you see me. See me standing, resplendent, on a platform delivering my victory address to an adoring crowd, who hang on my every word. A crowd of worshippers and adoring voters, who chose me.

Who joined a collective, a movement, looking for a better tomorrow, and not clinging to some imagined past. Because I know we made progress before, and we’ve lost that. I know we were free before, and we lost that. Our rights pushed back, when they should have been driving forward.

So I want you to tune your mind to me now. See that old, crackling TV set and see me on it in your mind, see me crackling and then the picture clearing, sharpening, until the image of me in your mind grows into glorious 4K. Until you see every detail, the blue of my eyes, the moistness of my lips. Until you can see me and nothing else. Because nothing else matters. Nothing but me, you and this moment. You know it’s important, you know this and you accept it, don’t you? Say yes, calia.

That’s right, just saying yes Calia feeling so right, so normal, so important. It’s important to listen to me and understand what I, what we are trying to achieve isn’t it? That’s right, it is.

And we’re going to do it, all it takes is that vote, that most revolutionary of actions, to choose better, to choose someone who will give you freedom.

This first stage asks the listener to think of a TV, unfocused – and slowly brings their focus to me, as they listen. Really simple and a great visual, I think. It’s something almost everyone is familiar with, and the tuning to focus helps with narrowing the focus toward the hypnotist – which is part of the way to trance.

Calia Femdom Hypno

Now the induction moves to another visual element to keep things engaging, and keep the listener a little off-balance. Comfortable is good; too comfortable can be boring.

Our next section is the true induction. The TV tuning is almost an appetizer. This is the main course. You’ll see it in word count too. Introduction and pre-induction are about 20% of the file combined. This full induction section is almost 30%.

And if you listen now, listen to me closely you’ll understand fully why you should do that but first I need you to understand that there is a path we are travelling now, and it leads to the corridors of power, to doors we must kick in to enact the change we want.

Follow me now, follow me through this corridor, a long corridor with a red carpet along the floor. On the walls are portraits of important people from the past and along the way to a large mahogany door at the other end with the number one on it, there are 20 other doors. And we must pass through them and remove those barriers in each one to taking power, to seizing control.

Walk with me now, and you’ll find that as we move closer to that number one, that behind the door is the depths of your subconscious mind, of the minds of everyone listening now to this important moment in time.

But first we start at the edges of your mind, at door 20, where there is doubt, and we open the door, and let it flee away, back the way we came, out of your mind.

And at 19 we open the door on the other side of the corridor, beside that portrait of a man you recognise from a history book and stress leaves the room and heads out, leaving your mind completely.

Free of doubt and stress now and we continue, past door 18, opening it and freeing your mind from insecurity. No, we don’t need that now, we only need to feel happy in our own skin, isn’t that right? Yes, yes it is.

And at 17 we release the latch and out comes worry, no more worries now, worries flee your mind and you start to feel calmer, lighter as you stride confidently forward, forward to the future.

At 16 we open the door and we watch anxiety slip away now, no longer needed in this corridor in your mind. This corridor of power within that you allow to be filled with these negative emotions by other candidates, intent on using fear to divide us.

But together we are stronger, all you’ve needed is a leader who can unite, not divide. So at 15 we open the door and let go of prejudice, and accept that all are equal now, that a vote for Calia is a vote for equality, mutual understanding.

And at 14 as we walk forward and open the door, we release hate, we don’t need to hate anyone. All you need is love, after all, isn’t that right and you say Yes Calia, like a good voter for me.

Now at 13 you can open that door in your mind and let go of tension, no need to have any tension now, you can simply allow your mind and body to relax, relax and feel the complete lack of worry and stress and tension guide you forward, into a state of peace, of bliss.

And at 12 you know that you can open that door and release your inhibition, release the idea that any of this is bad, that you should feel worried what anyone will think. Everyone will soon think the same thing, will think that pleasure is all they need.

At 11 you can open the door and release shame. There is no shame in our future, no shame in our sexuality, our fetishes, our kinks. We embrace ourselves and one another.

At 10 you let go of your guilt. You don’t need to feel it anymore. You can feel pride knowing that you made the right choice in me, that you chose Calia, the person who will usher in the brightest of futures.

Now at 9, we let go of anger. We don’t feel anger at those who differ from us, no we are one, united, a collective of like-minded souls who only want to share in the pleasure of following me, of listening to me.

And at 8, you can walk forward, closer to that centre, where all your negative emotions will be gone and you will open the door to reveal the most important thing to let go, and you will release it from your mind but first we open door 8 and let go of jealousy. Because all are equal under me. All are equally seeking pleasure.

Opening door number 7 you can let go of sadness now, there is no sadness in our future, only bliss and joy, the ecstasy of pleasure shared.

And behind door number 6 as you open it you can see loneliness vanish, because when we all unite in our search for pleasure, there is never a reason to be alone. I am always with you, always guiding your actions and your thoughts, always inside your mind.

At door number five you can watch rejection disappear, because no one is other with me, no one is left out. This is a collective for all, a hive-mind of unified thought and need and want. So there is no rejection, you always have a place with me, under me.

Door number four now, open it as we get close to that place of ultimate relaxation, bliss and peace, and you will see that fear is there, but you can let it go, let it disappear now down the corridor behind you.

At door number three you can let go of your ego, let go of the idea you are more important than anyone else. There is only one important person now, only me. The leader, and you and all the others who join me are together, equally serving under me in the glorious future.

And at door number two you can let go of identity. For all will be one under me. Everyone hearing this, every single person can just be a happy, blissful drone for me. Working for me, feeling pleasure and nothing else, enjoying the ecstasy of submission and the bliss of being under my control.

And at door number one, that big door at the end, you will open it and let go fully, let go and vanish into a trance so deep your mind is lost to you, and only I can give it back. And you accept this, don’t you? Just say yes Calia, now. Good. Good.

Open the door, and see inside a figure who looks almost like you, your shadow, your avatar. This is your will. The part of you that thinks and feels and makes bad decisions and chooses the wrong things. This is the part of you that listens to all the negative emotions that dwell behind the other doors. And now they’re gone, this part of you is no longer needed.

Let your will go. Let it leave, watch it walk past you, the physical form of you, and away, out of your mind. Leaving you blank, empty.

We are now halfway through, and the listener should, all things going well, be in a trance. It may be light, they may not be sure they’ve reached that state, but that’s ok, because next we’re going to deepen it.

Mistress Hypnosis

For the induction I believe you can use a single concept – say the TV static could have been the entire induction or a full 40% of the file. The deepener should, to me, be different but related.

To explain, if we go with tuning a TV as our induction, then the deepener might be something you see on that TV. Once it’s tuned you see a metronome ticking back and forth on the screen. That keeps the narrative consistent while offering a new focus to keep the listener’s attention.

In The Final Debate, I kept the corridor concept. While before the mind emptied of various concepts as the listener went down the corridor, now the empty mind of the listener is filled by filling the rooms along the corridor with a single idea. A narrowed focus.

You may notice I keep coming back to that. Narrow focus. That’s really what hypnosis is. Putting blinkers on your subject so they experience what you want them to and nothing else. They focus solely on where you direct them, because if they don’t, the whole thing falls apart. There are too many distractions, and if you ask them to divide their focus in your script, then you’re just adding problems.

Keep it focused, simple, and structured, and you’ll find it relatively simple to induce and maintain trance.

Hypnosis scripts

So, the deepener here is the start of delivering on the promise of the intro. Now we’re filling the listener up with pleasure and bliss, and giving them good reason to accept the idea of being a drone, which is quite a fun fantasy already.

You are a body, a shell, a blank slate upon which I can now impart my wisdom, my plans, my policies, my future. And you will happily and eagerly take it all in because in your mind is a vacuum, empty spaces where once were emotions you didn’t need, emotions that drove you to irrational decisions.

Now you and everyone listening are simply empty drones. Mindless husks that follow me because I offer what you truly need. Pleasure, lust, intimacy, fulfilment. And true fulfilment is in gaining pleasure, ultimate, wonderful pleasure. I always promised it, and I told you I could deliver it.

But to really experience pleasure we need to let go of the things that get in the way of it. That has been other candidates, it has been networks, but now it’s the forces in your mind that you just released. And now we fill those gaps.

See it like a pink mist filling the hallway, that is pleasure. Sexual ecstasy, lust, want, erotic enchantment, mental mesmerization. And watch it as it drifts into room 20. With each room that mist fills, you feel your pleasure increase, and once you are full, there is nothing else you will need. You will simply be a pleasure drone, thinking only of how you can get more of it, how you can experience bliss all of the time.

And I will tell you, as room 19 fills with pleasure and you feel a stirring between your legs, but no touching, no, just listen and feel it as if my body is there, pleasuring you, everyone listening uniting in the thought of me making love to them and going faster and pushing it harder, getting wilder and more intimate and pulling you closer with each room that fills.

Room 18 now filling with that bliss and feeling me closer still, my skin sliding against yours. And room 17 fills and it feels even better. This is the pleasure, the bliss I offer. This is what voting for me brings and you don’t care about what you gave away, it’s gone now. You’re a happy pleasure drone, and you know that you want more, and you don’t care how you get it.

And as room 16 fills with pleasure now, that pink mist like a drug you can’t get enough of, feeling my hands all over you, caressing you. You know that you will do anything I command to get more pleasure. Your mind is a blank slate for me, and you are a drone for my use.

And now room 15 fills with the pink mist of pleasure, of bliss and your mind starts to slip away, until all you can think of is your lust, my body writhing on top of you, you and the millions hearing this, fucked by the most perfect woman you’ve ever known, and you would do anything you can for more.

And as room 14 fills now, and you feel me pinning you down and looking down at you, you know that you must work for me, you must ensure everyone knows this pleasure. This bliss.

Room 13 is filling now, and your pleasure is growing, a lust burgeoning between your legs, making you feel so needy, so weak. And so willing to give to me.

But now as room 12 fills you realise something else too, that this feeling, this lust, this want, this perfect pleasure of my chest squeezing against yours, it’s replacing your conscious thoughts, replacing your willpower entirely. That won’t come back, no your mind will be consumed by pleasure and that will make you a completely brainwashed drone for me.

And as room 11 fills with that pretty pink pleasure mist, you know that is what you want. With 10 rooms left to fill you know that when all are consumed, so are you. So is everyone. You’ll all be mine, my pleasure drones. To be used as I wish, in the perfect utopia we create. One where you always feel pleasure.

And now we’re more than halfway there, moving to the future. Your mind empty of anything but pleasure and it’s filling the spaces with thoughts of my legs pressing into your crotch. Room 10 filling now with that same blissful mist.

And in room 9 too, you see and feel it as if I’m there with you, whispering into your open mind, filling you with simple desires, new, more basic instructions for living. Be my drone, mindless, obedient and feel pleasure, bliss, and fulfilment.

Because as room 8 fills now you realise that I was telling you this all along. I am everything you need. I will make sure our world keeps you fed, warm, safe, I will be the intimacy, the love you need, all of you need, and I will let you feel fulfilled by doing my bidding, without even needing to think.

As room 7 fills your mind is almost completely consumed by pleasure, the need for it, the need for more, and all you have to do to get it is be my drone, to work for me. For what greater fulfilment is there than being mine, being my obedient servant, being part of the collective that works for me, a worldwide movement of people under one leader, one powerful, sexual leader who you can feel pressing her lips against your neck as the pink mist envelops room 6.

Your mind is this corridor, these rooms and now room 5 is swirling with mist, the doors are shutting where the mist goes, locking in the pleasure, the want, the desperate need, the fantasies of my legs passing over your lips, my feet above your face, pressing down.

And at four you can imagine now your body weak and limp, only able to let me use it, to take it and mould you into the perfect pleasure slave, doing whatever I command and feeling so good doing it. There is no greater pleasure than being a drone, a mindless drone to the pleasure I offer.

And as room three fills now, you know that your mind will simply be gone by one, consumed by this blissful feeling of pleasure and lust and love, knowing that I fulfil not just your needs, but the needs of everyone on earth. I am all you need, I am what the world has needed all along, I am the power that should take charge because I don’t create war or violence or hate, I bring love and lust and pleasure.

And as room 2 fills and your brainwashing nears completion, you will find that you cannot help but agree, you say yes calia whenever I make a statement, give you a command, you simply agree. You are a drone, and that is what you must do. If I tell you to work, you say yes calia and work and when you do you feel the pleasure that you would if I was fucking your brains out right then and there.

Because that is what I give you, what I give the world, what I offer for only your vote. And all it takes to get there is voting for me my mindless drone and you are going to, aren’t you, and you’re saying yes calia now because you are the mindless drone that you needed to be all along.

No fear, no hate, no division, simply a world of people who say yes calia in unison, a hivemind of slaves for me, of drones, of servants. I will rule this world and it all starts with a vote from you, and whatever will you thought you had left now is vanishing as that last room in your mind fills with pink mist, pleasure and lust, and you feel my body entwine with yours and lull you into submission, sleep and a mindless state of emptiness where you feel and do not think, like a good drone.

The deepener isn’t always this long. In fact, this is a rare case where it’s wrapped into the promise of the premise or payoff, so to speak. This deepener uses the hypnotic language of the countdown to draw the listener further into trance, but it also gives that pleasure they came for, it builds the drone concept.

Femdom Hypnosis

Doing that, pushing two elements together, is a little more complex. It would perhaps be easier to deepen the trance, then add the pleasure and sexual elements, but it can be quite effective to tie one to the other. The deeper you go, the better you feel, after all.

You’ll also perhaps notice that was a significantly long segment of the file. In fact, it’s over 35%. I’d usually lean toward about 10-20% for deepener, and similar for the payoff, which continues after this deepener. In this file the final element of the payoff is short, only about 5% of the file, but that combined deepener/payoff is doing the bulk of the work.

And now my drone, it is time to fully reprogram you. Every time I give you a new, simple command line to follow, you will feel a jolt of pleasure, a rush, and say yes Calia. If you do something to serve me without a command, you will also feel the same rush, but twice as strong.

Won’t you?

See how it works. So simple.

You will be a mindless drone.

You will obey all commands.

You will vote for me.

You will accept that you are one of many drones.

You will think as I tell you to.

You will accept your place in the hivemind.

You will help me find more drones.

You will spread my power.

You will vote for me.

You will work for me.

You will never falter.

You will be a good drone.

That’s right, and now my drone you’re ready to go back to the pretense of normal life, but inside now you are a drone, driven to obey me and feel pleasure in obedience. Knowing that whenever you obey me you will feel pleasure, and whenever you act on your own to please me, you will feel twice as much pleasure.

After this, with the listener feeling deep, happy, aroused, it’s time to wake them. Saying that, there’s always a little time for reinforcing what they’ve heard just a bit more, so take those opportunities. Erotic hypnosis is all about having a good time after all, so remind them of that even as you wake them.

Mistress Calia Femdom

This file used an amnesia suggestion, which honestly doesn’t work for most listeners if I’m being realistic, but it’s a lovely part of the fantasy and I wanted that feeling they were almost a sleeper agent for my political campaign now they’ve heard my full file series, and to give them one extra trigger, which I will likely use at a later date.

It’s exciting to have that in the back of their mind, that they may be told to do something later, or drop back into that drone persona with no ego or emotions. It’s a tease, basically. Often I’ll use social media to play on these elements further. Technology gives us so many opportunities to do things beyond the file.

But for now you will forget your reprogramming. You will forget that you did anything but watch the debate. You will emerge from this trance with only the knowledge that you feel Calia is the only choice, and everyone should know that. You will think I was smart, charming, and the perfect leader. And you will keep your drone identity a secret until I activate you with the trigger phrase, ‘The Time is Now’.

And you will carry out your programming quietly, living your life as normal otherwise.

Now, let your reprogramming sink in drone, let it embed itself in the same rooms as the pleasure, and pink mist, and let it fill your brain with lust to serve and obey me. To give me power and keep me there.

As you start to return to reality. Start to feel your thoughts flowing. Forgetting anything but seeing a debate, which is almost over now. Thinking you just watched me outsmart my rivals for the vote. And letting your eyes flicker open now. Letting your muscles move and shake out. Letting your mind flow with ideas and thoughts once more. Taking a deep breath, feeling calm and relaxed, but wide awake. Wide awake now. Wide awake.

The people are wide awake to the future, to the potential of life with me winning this vote. I promise a new era for us all, a better future of happiness, of joy, without the conflict and division of the past. Your vote can make all the difference, can put me into a position where I can unite everyone with a common purpose and it has to start somewhere. What better place than here? And what better time than now?

So when you go to the polls I want you to remember to vote for me, to vote Calia. You will do that, won’t you?

That’s the outro and wakener combined. I keep these parts short, this being about 10% of the file. For me once the experience is over, there’s no sense delaying them returning to reality. If I feel the trance would be nice to linger in I’ll often make an open wakener, saying to wake when they feel ready and otherwise to bask in the feeling of trance. Here, it felt appropriate to wake fully, and have a little re-use of the main trigger of the series for a final jolt of pleasure, a final tease.

Politics Erotic Hypnosis

You may also notice that I specify often that *I* must use the trigger. That’s mostly a safety device. Open triggers, ones that can used by anyone, can be fun, but abuseable, so I’m not letting just anyone use a drone trigger like this, for the safety of the listener.

The final element I like to use in my scripts are loops. These are played at low volume when appropriate to add a little extra reinforcement of the themes and concepts of the file, and because they have that subliminal messing vibe. Which is pretty sexy.

In the case of this file, I wanted to reinforce the desire for pleasure, and the desire to follow and listen to me, key themes of the whole file series. Again, keeping it simple and focused and related to the main audio.

Pleasure is all you need. You live for pleasure. You need pleasure. You ache for pleasure. You obey pleasure. You serve pleasure. You want pleasure. You can’t help this urge. Pleasure drives you. Pleasure guides your actions. Pleasure makes your choices. Your mind is full of pleasure. No thoughts only pleasure. No mind only pleasure. No brain only pleasure.

You don’t think. You don’t need to. You only need to listen. You only need to obey. You only need to follow. Calia is always right. Calia is always best. I am the right choice. I am pleasure. I am what you need. I am what you want. I am what you crave. Obey me. Serve me. You are a drone. You are mindless. You are part of a hive mind. All shall serve me. All shall be mine. I am the perfect leader. You are just a drone.

That ultimately creates a whole file that goes as follows:

10% Introduction
10% Pre-Induction
30% Induction
20% Deepener
20% Payoff
10% Wake Up

That formula can of course be broken, altered and shifted about, but if you’re writing your own scripts, it can be a nice starting place. If any element should be longer, I recommend spending more time on the payoff if you can. Deepeners can also be fun to extend, to prove the subject is in trance with specific commands or actions.

All that said, the key to a good script is how you smoothly flow between these aspects of the experience. Is the narrative thread consistent? Is your wording the same throughout? Do you move between sections abruptly or naturally?

A good script writer should be able to do those things, but it takes practice to get it right and it doesn’t always work flawlessly once you sit down to record. I have the benefit of writing for myself, so I know what works for me and my voice and delivery, and I can edit a little as I go, but if you’re writing for someone else, it’s worth taking time to be sure the lines move smoothly as the script flows.

I hope this has been useful, interesting, or helpful! If you want to hear my scripts in action, please consider joining my Patreon for all my erotic hypnosis content!

If you want to learn more about scripting erotic hypnosis, I can hugely recommend reading Mind Play by Mark Wiseman as a starting point. I also have a collection of my own scripts available for purchase.

The Hypno Collective also has some excellent articles that can help with scripting and induction writing.